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25 August 2003 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 03-1050 <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br /> The Great Valley has been filled with sediments derived from both marine and continental sources. <br /> Thickness of the sedimentary fill ranges from thin veneers along the valley edges to more than <br /> 20,000 feet in the south central portion of the valley. The sedimentary formations range in age from <br /> Jurassic to Recent,with the older deposits being primarily marine in origin and the younger deposits <br /> being primarily continental. Continental-derived sediments were primarily deposited in lacustrine, <br /> fluvial,and alluvial environments with sediment sources being the mountain ranges surrounding the <br /> valley(Olmsted and Davis, 1961);the site itself is located on unconsolidated and semi-consolidated <br /> alluvium, lake, playa and terrace deposits of Quaternary age (California Division of Mines and <br /> Geology, 1977).Rocks composing the basement complex of the Province have not been completely <br /> defined but are believed to be metamorphic and igneous in origin. <br /> The Modesto, Riverbank and Turlock Lake Formations and overlying Recent alluvium are the <br /> principal sources of domestic ground water in the 13,500-square mile San Joaquin Valley Ground <br /> Water Basin(Basin 5-22).The estimated depth to ground water at the site is approximately 50 to 60 <br /> feet below surface grade(bsg)based on information from Lines of Equal Depth of Water Wells Fall <br /> 1999,published by the San Joaquin County Flood Control District and Water Conservation District- <br /> FCD&WCD. Based on the map titled Lines of Equal Elevation of Groundwater Spring 1999 also <br /> published by the San Joaquin County FCD&WCD, the ground water elevation is estimated at <br /> approximately 40 to 50 feet below surface grade and ground water flow generally toward the <br /> east/southeast. However, this may be greatly modified by local recharge and discharge patterns. <br /> 2.2. PREVIOUS SITE ASSESSMENTS <br /> AGE was not supplied reports or documentation from previous environmental assessments <br /> conducted on the subject property. AGE has no knowledge of any previous environmental <br /> investigations of the property. <br /> 3.0. SCOPE OF WORK <br /> AGE proposes to collect soil samples to determine ifpetroleum hydrocarbon-impacted soil is present <br /> beneath the site. The environmental site assessment willinclude the following tasks: <br /> • Permitting and pre-field work activities; <br /> • Soil sample collection and analysis; <br /> • Report preparation <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc. <br />