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k✓ <br /> � r <br /> A S S O C I A T E S I N C <br /> GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION <br /> Water level measurements were collected from wells MW-1 through MW-6 on January 11, 2002 <br /> Water levels ranged from 27 27 to 28 08 feet below the tops of the well casings, representing an <br /> average decrease in the water table elevation of approximately 1 32 feet since May 2001 The <br /> water level data were used to develop the groundwater elevation contour map (Figure 3) <br /> Assuming that horizontal isotropic conditions prevail, groundwater in the uppermost aquifer <br /> beneath the site flowed generally towards the east with a northeast component The average <br /> hydraulic gradient on January 11, 2002 was calculated to be 0 001 ft/ft or approximately 71 <br /> ft/mile A summary of groundwater monitoring data is presented in Table 1 <br /> CONCLUSIONS <br /> Concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents increased in well MW-3 but remained the <br /> same order of magnitude Concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons remained at nondetectable <br /> levels in wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6 <br /> The direction of groundwater flow and the magnitude of hydraulic gradient are generally <br /> consistent with previous quarters <br /> RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Based on the results of the first quarter 2002 monitoring episode, we recommend performing <br /> second quarter 2002 monitoring and reporting Groundwater samples should be analyzed for <br /> TPHg, BTEX, and MTBE <br /> A workplan for performing a groundwater extraction pilot test will be submitted under separate <br /> cover <br /> w 1626051quad1yl1gr-2002 doc 3 <br />