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The following is an itemized list of hazardous waste violations that have not been <br /> addressed for ACME SAW AND SUPPLY INC as of March 27, 2020. <br /> Open violations from January 08, 2020 inspection <br /> Violation#608 - Failed to properly manage used oil and fuel filters. <br /> OBSERVATION 1: This facility generates drained used metal oil filters. A complete three year bill of lading record for <br /> used oil filter recycling was not observed during the inspection. Bills of lading were not observed for the following date <br /> range: January 8, 2017-January 8, 2020. <br /> REGULATION GUIDANCE: <br /> Persons generating, transporting, or receiving used metal oil filters shall use a bill of lading to record the transfer of used <br /> oil filters. Bills of lading must indicate generator, transporter, and receiving company names, addresses, telephone <br /> numbers, the quantity and size of used oil filter containers transferred, and the date of transfer.A copy of each bill of <br /> ing must be kept on the premises of the generator, transporter, and receiving facility where the used oil filters were <br /> handled. Copies of bills of lading shall be kept for a period of three years. <br /> CORRECTIVE ACTION: Immediately obtain all missing bill of lading recycling records that can be found. Used metal oil <br /> filters not stored, handled and disposed of according to this section are regulated as hazardous waste. Provide a <br /> corrective action statement, bill of lading recycling records and supporting documentation to the San Joaquin County <br /> Environmental Health Department(EHD)within 30 days. <br /> OBSERVATION 2: Containers of used metal oil filters out of compliance with the storage rules were observed on-site. <br /> The following used metal oil filter containers were on-site: <br /> - One blue 55 gallon of drained used oil filters was observed with the accumulation start date June 22, 2015. <br /> REGULATION GUIDANCE: <br /> (b) "used oil filters"are defined as filters which contain a residue of used oil and which are exempt from regulation as a <br /> hazardous waste under the scrap metal provision found in federal law. <br /> (c) Used oil filters that meet the conditions of subsection (b) of this section and are managed and recycled in compliance <br /> with the following requirements shall not be regulated as hazardous waste. <br /> (1) The filters are drained of free-flowing used oil. For the purposes of this subsection, free-flowing is defined as a <br /> continuous stream of oil exiting the filter when the filter is inverted. Oil exiting drop by drop is not considered to be <br /> free-flowing. However, if the filter is equipped with a device (such as a rubber flap located just inside the filter opening) <br /> which impedes the drainage of used oil from the filter, that device shall be manipulated to allow the oil to exit the filter <br /> freely, or the filter punctured, crushed, opened, drained, or otherwise handled in a manner that will allow the used oil to <br /> exit the filter. <br /> (2)The drained used oil filters are transported for purposes of metal reclamation to any of the following: <br /> A A smelter or other scrap metal processor where they are recycled or; <br /> B A storage facility or consolidation facility that subsequently transfers the filters to a facility described in paragraph (A) <br /> or(C) of this subsection or; <br /> (C)A municipal solid waste incinerator for energy recovery, if the residual casings are subsequently transferred to a <br /> ffacility described in paragraph (A) of this subsection, or to a storage or consolidation facility that subsequently transfers <br /> the residual casings to a facility described in paragraph (A) of this subsection. <br /> (3) The drained used oil filters are accumulated, stored, and transferred in a closed, rainproof container that is capable of <br /> containing any used oil that may separate from the filters placed inside. Drums of used oil filters shall be sealed during <br /> transfer so that used oil will not spill out when they are laid upon their sides. Drums shall be secured as a load to prevent <br /> movement or tipping during transfer. Containers shall be labelled as"drained used oil filters" (not as hazardous waste) <br /> and show initial date of accumulation or receipt on each container of filters. <br /> (4) Storage of less than one ton of used oil filters shall be limited to one year. Storage of one ton or more of used oil filters <br /> is limited to 180 days. <br /> 5) Persons generating, transporting, or receiving used oil filters shall use a bill of lading to record the transfer of used oil <br /> ilters. Bills of lading must indicate generator, transporter, and receiving company names, addresses, telephone numbers, <br /> the quantity and size of used oil filter containers transferred, and the date of transfer.A copy of each bill of lading must be <br /> kept on the premises of the generator, transporter, and receiving facility where the used oil filters were handled. Copies of <br /> bills of lading shall be kept for a period of three years. <br /> CORRECTIVE ACTION: Dispose of all used oil filters stored on-site greater than one year. Used oil filters not <br /> Page 6 of 7 <br />