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FIELD PROCEDURES <br /> Site Safe!y Plan <br /> This plan describes the safety requirements for field work performed at the site The site <br /> safety plan is applicable to personnel of RESNA Industries who perform the field work A <br /> copy of the site safety plan is available for reference by appropriate parties during the work <br /> The onsite representative of RESNA Industries acts as the Site Safety Officer <br /> Well Development <br /> Before development of the monitoring wells, a water sample was collected for subjective <br /> analysis from the well using a Teflon bailer cleaned with a laboratory-grade detergent and <br /> deionczed water. The wells were developed with a surge block and pump Well <br /> development continued until the discharge water was clear of silt and sand Clay-size <br /> sediments derived from the screened portion of the formation cannot be entirely eliminated <br /> by well development <br /> Groundwater Well PurWng and Sampling <br /> The static water level in each well was measured to the nearest d 01 foot with a Solinst <br /> electric water-level sounder cleaned with a laboratory-grade, non-phosphatic detergent and <br /> deionized water before use in each well A clean bailer was used to obtain a sample from <br /> the surface of the water in the well for subjective analysis of hydrocarbons The sample was <br /> retrieved and visually examined for floating product, sheen, color, and clarity <br /> Approximately 3 well volumes of groundwater were purged from the wells using a stainless- <br /> steel electrical submersible pump The pump, cables, and hoses were cleaned with a <br /> laboratory-grade, non-phosphatic detergent and water before use in each well The wells <br /> were purged until withdrawal was of sufficient duration to result in stabilized pH, <br /> temperature, and electrical conductivity of the water, as measured by portable meters <br /> calibrated to a standard buffer and conductivity standard The wells recovered to more than <br /> 90 percent of the static water level within 5 minutes of turning off the pump The <br /> groundwater purged from the wells was temporarily stored in 17-E, steel, 55-gallon liquid <br /> waste drums approved for this use by the Department of Transportation pending results of <br /> laboratory analyses The City of Stockton is responsible for the disposal of the purge water <br /> and has contracted to have purge water removed <br /> Before collecting each groundwater sample, the geologist cleaned the Teflon bailer with a <br /> Iaboratory-grade detergent and rinsed it with tap water and deionized water Hydrochloric <br /> acid (or other appropriate chemical) was added to the sample vials as a preservative A <br /> sample of the formation water then was collected from the surface of the water in each of <br /> the wells with the Teflon bailer and slowly transferred to laboratory-cleaned sample <br /> containers <br /> 0622jesc <br /> 38009-4 <br />