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j <br /> )E antrdetas Waste Tank Own a Cer Mextior <br /> Complete and submit this page prior to snitintias any cleaning,euaing,dismantling,of excavation of a tank systan that meets.the conditions below: <br /> Any tank sysmm thn prcv*sly held a hayardous material or a heruerdote waste,treat is identified as a hawdow waste,noxi Rent <br /> Is desti>Kd to be disposed,mJaimod or closod in pleee. <br /> . This does not apply to"*systems tegnlaied under n I au&urscm Facility permit,other than pcvmit try tutu(PSR),ar t0 tank systems regulotcd under a grant of <br /> irderim stow.nor to a tart system or any portion UMV4 4 that uve m the dsRnision of scrap metol in 22 CCR 866260.10 and iv excluded form ncRulation pursuant to 22 <br /> CCR W261.6(Rx3M <br /> ReFer to 22 CCR 667383.3 and 23 CCR§2672 for disposal requi.cames lbr tank systems. <br /> iNttte= the numbering or the ingtn ct$ow follows the data elartcrn numbers shad are an the UPCF p&M- These data olernryrt nurnhen <br /> am used for daetronie ta9ma—inion and aro the xame as the numbering used in 27 CCR.Appendix,C,the Bminess Section of the <br /> Unified Program Dam Dictionary.) <br /> Pltame entmbo all psgca of yratr stdrnnitffiI. Thee halter your CUPA or Ectal agency identify wbeRter the submhW is complete and if arty pagers arc separated. <br /> 1. FACILITY 1D NUMBER-neve this blank This mMber is assigned by the CLMA. This is the unique number which identifres your fhrilily. <br /> 3. DUSMESS NAME-Ehler the Nli tiger mane or the buttines& <br /> 740. TANK OWNER NAME- Complete items 740-744,unless all itcrm we the sone as the 8usinecs tyvner <br /> 741. TAWK OWNER ADDRESS information(itcrba 111-116)on the Dttsiness.O,vperi0pbstor Identification page. <br /> 742. TANK OWNM CITY (OBS Fotm 2730).Jf the same,write'SAMF.AS SITE'otxoss this section <br /> 743. TANK OIAFMM STATE <br /> 744. TANK OW NPR ZIP CODE <br /> 745.TANK ID NUMBER 1-3-Fatter up to tlnee owner's tank W monbcn_ This is a unique number used by the w ncr to identify aha <br /> MUIL 1f sterni thin thnM tasks ate acing elwwd.awrO le odditf6nat topica of this pWm (Enter additional rink numbers in <br /> 7M and 751.) <br /> 7464 CONCENTRATION OF FI AMMASLE VAPOR 1-3-Eater three Interior l'Ittn n. le vapor Icwcis for troch tank being c103ed, <br /> taken at the lop►cermet and bosom of the tank. (Fpr more than erre lank;enter ad"onel tank readings in 744'an4 7S2,) <br /> 747.CONCENTRATION OF OXYGEN 1-3-Eater lhtre ifftlito Axygon levels for each tank being Closed,talon at the top,ccntcr. <br /> rand bomm of Ute tank. (For more than one tank,tetter etdditiottul tank readings in 75t)and 753). <br /> SIGNATURE-The business.owner or officer of the cGvapary who Is sotharizod to make dopisiphg for the facility and who hw opteratitmnt controt,shelf sign in <br /> rite spate provided <br /> 754.CER77FMt NAME-Enter the full primed atone of the low. signing on prigs <br /> 753. CFATIFTER TITLE-STftr the title of the person signing the pW <br /> 756. CERTIFIER ADURFS9-Enter the add"of the pt:rsmt siert*the pager <br /> 757. CERTIRFM CITY-Enter the city for the signer's addrmm <br /> 1 <br /> 758. CERTIFIER PHONE-Ener the phone sam+bc+for Urc P--signing the pegs, <br /> 759. DATE CERTIFEFM-Enter the dart:ftl the wet signed. Emir the time thM the readinga.wete tikes. <br /> 760..CE TWM'R REPRESENTS LOCAL:AGENCY Cheek"Yes"ifthe pcnon cc tifying the pnk is a representative of the CUPA, nuthurized ogtm-,.or L IA <br /> cbcck-Nay'if rw <br /> 7151. NAME OF LOCAL AGENCY-Enter the none of the focal agency repreSdttcd by tate person certilyi"S the tank <br /> 762. AFFJLIA'nON OF CFStT1FY1N(3 PERSON.Cb=k the:cumseefim litxptga,pr oganizlS- whit h the ocreifier holds Or to which <br /> the ee"IFyiftg person belongs,ifnot a CUPA/LIA. <br /> 763.TANK HELD FLAMMABLE OR COMMISTTHLE MATERIALS-Check "Ywi-ifthe tank held flammable or cammutibte metevials, ehcak"No"'if not. <br /> 764. MANAGEMENT TNSTRUCTJON9-provide be*manaRptxatt itntpnrotions to the 3ennp dealer_disposal facility,cue.,in this space. <br /> i <br /> UPCF(12199) 40 F&Merly D'I'SC 1249(6198) <br /> FILE COPY <br />