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Ms. Lori Duncan <br /> Y, July 26, 2006 <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br /> Geology and Hydroeeolo2y <br /> Much of the geological and hydrogeological setting described below was taken from the Conceptual Site <br /> Model for Unocal Service Station #0187, 437 East Miner Avenue in Stockton, California prepared by <br /> ENSR in January 2006. The Unocal Service Station #0187 is located north of the subject property. <br /> Soil is comprised primarily of silt and clay to approximately 25 feet bgs. Interbedded layers of silt, clay, <br /> and sand extend to approximately 75 feet bgs. Silt and clay are again predominant between <br /> approximately 75 and 95 feet bgs. Three zones of higher sand content have been previously identified in <br /> the area between approximately 35 and 50 feet bgs, 60 and 75 feet bgs, and below 115 feet bgs. These <br /> zones are identified as Zone A, Zone B, and Zone C, respectively. However, there is no contiguous low- <br /> permeability unit between Zones A and B (ENSR, 2006). The depth and thickness of these zones are <br /> highly variable across the site. <br /> Depth to groundwater has ranged from 25 to 48 feet in the vicinity of the Site. The groundwater flow <br /> direction in all three zones is generally towards the east, away from the San Joaquin River. Hydraulic <br /> gradient ranges from 0.004 to 0.007 feet per foot(ft/ft). <br /> The vertical hydraulic gradient is downward near the Site. Potentiometric surface monitoring data for the <br /> Unocal site indicates that the vertical component to the hydraulic gradient between Zone A and B is <br /> comparable to the horizontal; however, the vertical component is greater between Zone B and Zone C. <br /> Therefore, the primary direction of groundwater migration is downward between these units (ENSR, <br /> 2006). v"> _, ; z, un%C;L; WV-t'(QA KV : FWw'ztn C K <br /> The nearest water supply well is located approximately 1,600 feet down gradient to the east-northeast of <br /> the site(ENSR,2006). <br /> PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Based on review of previous investigations by others, the following proposes the following scope of work <br /> to fill data gaps: <br /> 1. Complete a file review at the SJCEHD to obtain all available documentation for the site and the <br /> Unocal#0187 site located north of the subject property. <br /> 2. Survey all five existing monitoring well locations. <br /> 3. Conduct a geophysical survey to locate the four 550-gallon USTs reportedly abandoned in place <br /> at the site. <br /> 4. Install a monitoring well in Zone A to the east of MW-I to verify groundwater impacts are not <br /> migrating off-site. <br /> 5. Vertical delineation of soil impacts is complete for the area near the USTs closed in-place by the <br /> z - soil samples collected from CPT- Horizontal delineation of soil impacts near sample location <br /> MW-1 is completed to t e west-southwest with soil borings C, D, E, and F. Additional soil <br /> borings will be advanced to the north and east of MW-1/CPT-1 to further delineate the soil <br /> impacts in this area of the site. <br /> 6. The quarterly groundwater monitoring program will be re-started at the site. <br /> J:00006\9-8227_00261022_2006 Work Plan.doc <br /> BLASLAND, BOUCK& LEE, INC. <br /> engineers,scientists, economists <br />