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I <br /> ! 17 October 2003 <br />' AGE-NC Project No 02-0964 <br /> Page 2 of 8 <br />' 0 CPT-4 was established south of monitoring well MW-1 and soil bonngs E and G to a depth <br /> of 150 feet bsg, and <br />' 0 CPT5 was advanced at the northeast corner of the intersection of California Street and Miner <br /> Avenue to total depths of 160 bsg <br />' At each boring location, the soil parameters of piezocone tip resistance, sleeve friction and pore <br /> water pressure were continuously measured as the piezocone was advanced to depth Utilizing the <br />' soil parameters, the Hogentogler Co computer program interpreted general lithology types based <br /> on the CPT Soil Behavior Classification System (Robertson, P K , Campanella, R G, Gillespie, D, <br /> and Greig, J , 1986) and displayed the interpreted hthologies on a continuous CPT boring log The <br /> ICPT interpretive logs are presented in Appendix B <br /> R[nseate generated during drilling activities was containerized in properly labeled DOT-approved <br />' 55-gallon drums and was stored on-site in an area lacking public access The CPT soil borings were <br /> backfilled over their entire depth range with a bentonite/portland cement grout mix <br />�• <br /> 22 GROUND WATER AND SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION <br /> IGrab ground water and soil samples were collected in a twin soil bonng advanced immediately <br /> adjacent to the initial CPT bonng The samples were collected utilizing the 25-ton truck-mounted <br /> I CPT drill ng equipped with 1 75-inch diameter hollow-stem rods fitted with a HydroPunch ground <br /> water or a piston soil sampling assembly, which was pushed to specified sampling depths in each <br /> soil boring, diagrams of the sampling assemblies are illustrated in Appendix B <br /> IGround water or soil samples were collected from specified depth intervals (zones) based on the <br /> acquired CPT-hthology data indicating favorable conditions for sampling For ground water, a <br />' HydroPunch sampling tool was pushed into the specified zone, then withdrawn approximately four <br /> feet to expose an inlet screen, the interior of the sampling tool filled with water and a 1-inch outer <br /> diameter(O D ) stainless steel bailer was lowered and utilized to extract a ground water sample For <br /> soil, a steel-tipped soil sampler was pushed into the specified zone, then the tip was withdrawn to <br /> expose a core barrel, the soil sampler was pushed down again to retneve a 1-foot soil sample <br /> Ground water sample was collected from CPT boring locations at the following intervals <br /> • CPT-1 was sampled between 96 and 100 feet bsg,between 120 and 124 feet bsg and between <br /> 146 feet and 150 feet bsg, <br /> IAdvanced GeoEnviron mental,[nc <br />