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UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK <br /> MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM ( Page 6 of 6) <br /> XVI . MONITORING SITE PLAN <br /> Date site map was prepared : <br /> If you already have a site plan that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System <br /> Certification Form. The site plan must show the general layout of tanks and piping and clearly identify locations of the following equipment, <br /> if installed: 1) monitoring system control panels; 2) in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection), 3) devices monitoring tank <br /> annular spaces or vaultd 4) devices monitoring product piping; 5) devices monitoring fill piping; 6) devices monitoring vent piping; 7) devices <br /> monitoring vapor recovery piping; 8) devices monitoring vent/transition sumps; 9) devices monitoring under-dispenser containment,, 10) <br /> line leak detectors; and 11) devices monitoring any other secondary containment areas. <br /> Monitoring System Certification Monitoring System Certification UST Monitoring Site Plan � ( � � �j <br /> - - -' -- - - - ---- - - - - -- - - --- - . .. .. . . .. .. .. ..--- - - - - - ---' - - - ' - - -- -- -- - ---- - - -- - ' - -- - '- -- - ' - - - - - ; -- - - - <br /> Sde Address_ ; LAKEWOOD CHEVRON 236 N. HAM LANE LODI CA 95240 <br /> _ <br /> (ARROWS) -7 <br /> Draniaeofpiping ��°l� i <br /> exit of sump and t f t <br /> UJDC's. \o - - _ . ERji f,`: . - <br /> underground . . - ) , <br /> Nve Cdnnot <br /> speculate blue -- - <br /> I <br /> prints . . . . . . <br /> 0 0 0 . . . . . . <br /> i BEY <br /> wi =z�mmommommomm�� F = FILLS <br /> T = TORBLTIE <br /> . P = PROBE =VAPOR <br /> . . . I - _ - - . - - _ Y= SUAJPSENSOR <br /> L = PLLD <br /> 2. . 'Af= &lanvvisy <br /> B = Brine Sensor <br /> I = Smart Sensor <br /> 3. 1 . S = STP <br /> _ C = Floats & Chains <br /> OFFICE <br /> initenisfork"W- ororlrluaare. neviisfble. isilxceii(ftingi larfcrannea <br /> p-q(essirnLrlapiraerror;'t• aerlta-esde(t•jarir�'ornrrt�rnlpro� �. Dtrnrierg <br /> rwr ro scoie <br /> Date map was drawn: 3- 13-19. <br /> Instructions <br /> If you already have a diagram that shows a0 required information, you may include u, rather than this page, with your ht Dnitoring System Cert--dication. On your site plan , <br /> show the general la)wut of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locators of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system ccntrol panels: sensors mondoring tank <br /> annular spaces, sumps , dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or efectronic line leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level <br /> probes (If used for teak detectmn). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. <br /> 0000000 <br /> LEGEND <br />