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The following is an itemized list of hazardous waste violations that have not been <br /> addressed for BELKORP AG- STOCKTON as of October 07, 2019. <br /> Open violations from November 08, 2018 inspection <br /> Violation #102 - Failed to determine if a waste is a hazardous waste. <br /> Metal fines generated from grinding are being recycled as scrap metal or being thrown away into the trash without <br /> first determining particle size or hazardous properties. Any person who generates a waste shall determine if the <br /> waste is a hazardous waste. Immediately stop recycling or throwing away the metal fines, make a hazardous waste <br /> determination, and manage the waste according to Title 22 hazardous waste regulations. Particles 100 microns or <br /> smaller must be handled as hazardous waste if the metal is determined to be a hazardous waste. Submit a <br /> statement and supporting documentation explaining how this waste will start to be managed. <br /> ❑ This violation was corrected ❑ This violation will be corrected by (date): <br /> ❑ Supporting documents included <br /> Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation: <br /> Violation #118-Failed to maintain complete personnel training records. <br /> Employee training records for the management of hazardous waste were incomplete. <br /> Items 1-4 listed below were not observed during the inspection. Employee training records shall include: <br /> 1. the job title for each position at the facility related to hazardous waste management, and the name of each <br /> employee filling each job; <br /> 2. written job description for each position listed above; <br /> 3. written description of the type and amount of both introductory and continuing training that will be given to <br /> each person filing positions listed above; <br /> 4. records that document that the training has been given to and completed by facility personnel. <br /> Training records on current employees shall be kept until closure of the facility. Training records on former <br /> employees shall be kept for at least three years from the date the employee last worked at the facility. Ensure that <br /> employee training is properly documented. <br /> ❑ This violation was corrected ❑ This violation will be corrected by (date): <br /> ❑ Supporting documents included <br /> Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation: <br /> Violation#205 -Failed to manage used oil contaminated with other hazardous waste as hazardous waste. <br /> The facility crushes aerosol cans containing things like brake cleaner and paint. The waste is transfered to a bucket <br /> that is mixed with used oil generated from crushing oil filters. The mix is then added to the used oil tank and <br /> disposed of on a consolidated manifest for the used oil. If used oil is contaminated with a hazardous waste, the <br /> resulting mixture shall be managed as hazardous waste. Immediately begin handling all used oil contaminated with <br /> hazardous waste as hazardous waste. <br /> Page 1 of 2 <br />