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has been examined and reviewed by a third party Professional Engineer. The Service <br /> Technician will perform all Hydrostatic Testing using the Caldwell Systems Level <br /> Change Indicator. The sump will be inspected prior to testing. If necessary the sump <br /> will be cleaned prior to addition of testing fluid. All test fluid will be supplied and <br /> recovered for reuse by the Service Technician performing the test. The Service <br /> Technician will test at a level of 2" above the highest penetration to include electrical <br /> penetrations unless otherwise expressly recommended by the local regulatory agency to <br /> test at a higher or lower level. Sumps not equipped with fail safe sensors will be tested at <br /> a level to include the entire sump unless otherwise expressly recommended by the local <br /> regulatory agency to test at a lower level. <br /> Under Dispenser Containment—The Service Technician will test and certify using <br /> methods developed and recommended by the UDC Manufacture, Industry Standard or <br /> Professional Engineer. The test procedure recommended and used is Hydrostatic with a <br /> level change indicator that has been developed to indicate a standard leak rate of 1/4 inch <br /> in 24 hours within 30 minutes, and has been examined and reviewed by a third party <br /> professional engineer. The Service Technician will perform all Hydrostatic Testing using <br /> the Caldwell Systems Level Change Indicator. The UDC will be inspected prior to <br /> testing. If necessary the UDC will be cleaned prior to addition of testing fluid. All test <br /> fluid will be supplied and recovered for reuse by the Service Technician performing the <br /> test. The Service Technician will test at a level 2" above the highest penetration to <br /> include electrical penetrations unless otherwise expressly recommended by the local <br /> regulatory agency to test at a higher or lower level. Sumps not equipped with fail safe <br /> sensors will be tested at a level to include the entire sump unless otherwise expressly <br /> recommended by the local regulatory agency to test at a lower level. <br /> Entire Agreement and Procedure—There are no understandings or agreements between <br /> the parties with respect to the agreement or procedure or the services to be rendered <br /> hereunder, except as herein expressly stated. <br /> Reference: PEI/RP1200-17 <br />