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UST Operatingermit Application - Facility Information Page 1 Instructions <br />(Formerly SWRCB UST Permit Application Form A and UPCF Form hwfwrc-a) <br />Complete this form for all new permits, permit changes, or facility information changes. This form must be submitted within 30 days of permit or <br />facility information changes, unless your local agency requires approval prior to making the changes. For changes, submit only that form that <br />contains the change. <br />Submit one UST Operating Permit Application - Facility Information form per facility, regardless of the number of USTs located at the facility. If <br />not already on file with the local agency, the tank owner must submit with this form, a current UST Operating Permit Application - Tank Information form for each <br />UST; a UST Monitoring Plan and a UST Response Plan pursuant to 23 CCR 2632, 2634 and 2641; and, for USTs containing petroleum, a certification of financial <br />responsibility pursuant to 23 CCR 2807. <br />The following documents, at a minimum, are also required, if applicable (check with your local agency to see if they require submittal or if there are <br />other forms/information needed): <br />❑ Written agreement between UST Owner and UST Operator per Health and Safety Code §25284(a)(3); <br />❑ Letter from the Chief Financial Officer (if using State Cleanup Fund, financial test of self-insurance, guarantee, local government financial test, <br />or Local Government Fund as a financial responsibility mechanism). <br />Please number all pages of your submittal. (Note: Numbering of these instructions matches the data element numbers on the form.) <br />400. TYPE OF ACTION - Check the reason this form is being submitted. CHECK ONE ITEM ONLY. <br />404. TOTAL NUMBER OF USTs AT SITE - Indicate the number of tanks that will remain on the site after the requested action. <br />1. FACILITY ID NUMBER - This space is for agency use only. <br />3. BUSINESS NAME - Enter the complete Business Name. (Same as FACILrrY NAME or DBA (Doing Business As)). <br />103. BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS - Enter the street address of the facility, including building number, if applicable. This address must be the <br />physical location of the facility. Post office box numbers are not acceptable. <br />104. CITY - Enter the city or unincorporated area in which the facility is located. <br />403. FACILITY TYPE - Indicate the type of facility. <br />405. INDIAN RESERVATION OR TRUST LANDS - Check whether the facility is located on an Indian reservation or other trust lands. <br />407. PROPERTY OWNER NAME - Complete items 407 - 412 for the property owner. Include the area code and any <br />408. PROPERTY OWNER PHONE - extension number. <br />409. PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS - <br />410. PROPERTY OWNER CITY - <br />411. PROPERTY OWNER STATE - <br />412. PROPERTY OWNER ZIP CODE - <br />428-1. TANK OPERATOR NAME - Complete items 428-1 to 428-6 for the UST operator. <br />428-2. TANK OPERATOR PHONE - Include the area code and any extension number. <br />428-3. TANK OPERATOR MAILING ADDRESS - <br />428-4. TANK OPERATOR CITY - <br />428-5. TANK OPERATOR STATE - <br />428-6. TANK OPERATOR ZIP CODE - <br />414. TANK OWNER NAME - Complete items 414 - 419 for the UST owner. <br />415. TANK OWNER PHONE - Include the area code and any extension number. <br />416. TANK OWNER MAILING ADDRESS - <br />417. TANK OWNER CITY - <br />418. TANK OWNER STATE - <br />419. TANK OWNER ZIP CODE - <br />420. TANK OWNER TYPE - Check the type of tank ownership. <br />421. BOE NUMBER - Enter your State Board of Equalization (BOE) UST storage fee account number. This fee applies to regulated USTs <br />storing petroleum products and is required before your permit application will be processed. If you do not have an account number with the <br />BOE, or if you have any questions regarding the fee or exemptions, contact the BOE at (916) 322-9669 or by mail at: Board of Equalization, <br />Fuel Taxes Division, PO Box 942879, Sacramento, CA 94279-0030. <br />423. PERMIT HOLDER INFORMATION - Indicate the party to whom the UST operating permit is to be issued and legal notifications and <br />mailings should be sent. <br />406. SUPERVISOR OF DIVISION SECTION OR OFFICE SUPERVISOR - If the facility owner is a public agency, enter the name of the <br />supervisor of the division section or office that operates the UST. This person must have access to the UST records. <br />APPLICANT SIGNATURE - The application form must be signed, in the space provided, by: <br />• The UST owner or operator, facility owner or operator, or a duly authorized representative of the owner, or <br />• If the UST(s) islare owned by a corporation, partnership, or public agency: <br />1.) A principal executive officer at the level of vice-president or by an authorized representative responsible for the overall operation of <br />the facility where the UST(s) is/are located; or <br />2.) A general partner or proprietor, or <br />3.) A principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or authorized representative of a public agency. <br />424. DATE - Enter the date the form was signed. <br />425. PHONE -Enter the phone number of the applicant (i.e., person signing the form). Include the area code and any extension number. <br />426. APPLICANT NAME - Print or type the full name of the person signing the form. <br />427. APPLICANT TITLE - Enter the title of the person signing the form. <br />UPCF UST -A Rev. (12/2007) <br />