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INSTRUCTIONS FOR CiTING FORM £tt <br /> GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS <br /> Section 2711 of Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, California Coda of Regulations and sections 25286, 25287, and 25289 <br /> of Chapter 6.7, Division 20, Health and Safety Code require tank owners to apply for an LIST operating permit, <br /> 1. One FORM £,Bt, shall be completed for each tank for all NEW PERMITS, PERMIT CHANGES, REMOV- <br /> ALS and/or any other TANK INFORMATION CHANGE. <br /> 2. This form should be completed by either the PERMIT APPLICANT"or the LOCAL AGENCY UNDER- <br /> GROUND TAINIK INSPECTOR. <br /> 3, Please type or p yrequested_ . <br /> 4. Use a bard paint writing instrument,you are�making 3 copies. <br /> 5. Tank owners must submit a plot plan to the local agency showing the location of the U Ts with respect <br /> to buildings and landmarks(2711 (a)(8)CCR). <br /> 6. Tank owners must submit documentation showing compliance with state financial responsibility require- <br /> ments to the local agency for petroleums USTs(2711 (a)(11) CCR). <br /> TOP OF FORM, MARK ONLY ONE ITEM <br /> 1, Dark ars'( ) in the box next to the items that bests escribes the reason the forms is being completed.. <br /> 2. Indicate the DBA or Facility name where the tank'is installed. <br /> 1. TANK DESCRIPTION - COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - IF UNKNOWN - SO SPECIFY <br /> A. Indicate owners tank IO#- If there is a tank number that is used by the owner to identify the tank(ex. <br /> AB70789). <br /> B. Indicate the name of the company that manufactured the tank(ex.ACME TANK MFG). <br /> C. Indicate the year the tank was installed (ex. 1987). <br /> C. Indicate the tank capacity in gallons (ex. 25,000 or 10,000 etc.). <br /> II. TANK CONTENTS <br /> A. 1. IF MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL, check box 1 and complete items B&C. <br /> 2. If not MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL,check the appropriate box its sections A and complete items B&B. <br /> B. Check the appropriate box. <br /> C. Check the type of MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL(if box 1 is checked in A). <br /> E. Print the chemical name of the hazardous substance stored in the tank and the C.A.S.#. (Chemical <br /> Abstract Service number), if box 1 is NOT checked in A, <br /> III. TANK CONSTRUCTION - MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOX A, B, C & D <br /> 1. Check only one items in TYPE OF SYSTEM,TANK MATERIAL, INTERIOR LINING and CORROSION <br /> PROTECTION. <br /> 2. if OTHER, print in the space provided. <br /> IV. PIPING INFORMATION <br /> 1. Circle££A££if above ground circle "eft` if underground, and circle both if applicable. <br /> 2. If UNKNOWN circle; or if OTHER,print in space provided. <br /> 3. Indicate the LEAK.DETECTION system(s) used to comply with the monitoring requirement for the piping. <br /> V. TANK LEAK DETECTION <br /> 1. Indicate the LEAK DETECTION systems(s)used to comply with the monitoring requirements for the tank, <br /> VL INFORMATION ON TANK PERMANENTLY CLOSED IN PLACE <br /> 1. ESTIMATES? DATE LAST"USED - MONTHIYEAR (January, 1988 or 01136). <br /> 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY of HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE remaining in the tank (its Gallons). <br /> 3. WAS TANK FILLETS WITH INERT MATERIAL? Check"Yes"or"No". <br /> TANK OWNER OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MUST SIGN AND DATE THE FORM AS INDI- <br /> CATED (see section 2711 (a)(13) CCR) <br /> INSTRUCTION FOR THE LOCAL AGENCIES <br /> The state underground storage tank identification number is composed of the two digit county number,£the three digit <br /> jurisdiction number, the six digit facility,number and the six digin tank-num bec,-The county and jurisdiction iction nut s rs re <br /> predetermined and can be obtained by calling the State Board(9 i 6)227-4303. The facility number must be the same as <br /> s4own in farm "A". The tank number may be assigned by the local agency,however,this number must be numerical and <br /> cannot contain an alphabet If the local agency prefers the State Board to assign the tank number, please leave it blank. <br /> IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY, OF THE LOCAL AGENCY THAT INSPECTS THE FACILITY TO VERIFY THE ACCU- <br /> RACY OF THE INFORMATION. THE LOCAL AGENCY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE <br /> "LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY' INFORMATION BOX. THE LOCAL AGENCY SHOULD RETAIN THE ORIGINAL AND <br /> YELLOW COPIES. THE PINK C* SHOULD BE RETAINED BY THE TANK NEB. <br />