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S A WJ nn A QU IN <br /> Environmental Health Department <br /> 41 ��II 1 ' <br /> ---- Cm [) U N T Y <br /> Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Inspection Report <br /> Facility Name: t )� �v C �j OC(V`[/a / <br /> vFacility Address : Date: 124 <br /> n ) fin, l ( � <br /> Y J fl Record Keeping/Documentation w / <br /> 127 HSC 25404. 1 .2 Failed to submit a certification and written response within 30 days for minor violations ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> Treatment, Transport, and Disposal <br /> 201 HSC 25163(a) Transported or transferred hazardous waste to a transporter without valid registration o V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 202 HSC 25189.5(a) Disposed or caused disposal of HW at an unauthorized point ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 203 HSC 25189.5(c) Transported or caused transportation of hazardous waste to an unauthorized point ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 204 HSC 25201 (a) Failed to obtain a permit to treat hazardous waste ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 205 HSC 25250.7 Failed to manage used oil contaminated with other hazardous waste as hazardous waste o V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 206 HSC 25160.2(c)(2) Waste stream or generator not eligible to use consolidated manifesting procedure ❑ V o R o COS <br /> 207 HSC 25144.6(b) Failure to properly manage reusable soiled textile materials ❑ V o R o COS <br /> 208 HSC 25200.3. 1 (c) Failure of laboratory to comply with hazardous waste treatment requirements o V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> I <br /> Preparedness and Prevention <br /> 301 CCR 66265.31 Facility not maintained to minimize the release of a hazardous waste / ❑ R o COS i <br /> 302 CCR 66265.32 Failed to maintain required emergency equipment o V o R ❑ COS <br /> 303 CCR 66265. 33 Failed to maintain all communication or alarm systems, spill control, or decontamination equipmentV ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 304 CCR 66265.35 Failed to maintain adequate aisle space for unobstructed response to emergencies ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 305 CCR 66265. 17(a) Failed to protect containers from sources of ignition or reaction ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> Container Management <br /> 401 CCR 66265. 171 Failed to store hazardous waste in a container that is in good condition ❑ V o R o COS <br /> 402 CCR 66265. 172 Failed to store hazardous waste in a compatible container ❑ V ❑ R o COS <br /> 403 CCR 66265. 173 Failed to keep hazardous waste containers closed except when adding or removing hazardous wasteo R o COS <br /> 404 CCR 66265. 174 Failed to inspect hazardous waste storage areas at least weekly o V o R o COS <br /> 405 CCR 66265. 176 Failed to store ignitable or reactive waste containers at least 50 feet from the property line ❑ V o R o COS <br /> 406 CCR 66261 .7 Contaminated container not marked with date emptied or managed within one year of being emptied ❑ V ❑ R o COS <br /> 407 CCR 66265. 17(b), Failed to manage incompatible wastes in containers properly ❑ V o R o COS <br /> 66265. 177 <br /> 408 CCR 66262.34(e)(1 )(A) Satellite accumulation container not located near point of generation or under control of operator ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 409 CCR 66262. 34(e)(2) Satellite accumulation exceeded 55 gallons of HW (or one quart of acutely HW) per waste stream ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 410 CCR 66262.34(a)(1 ), Failure to comply with hazardous waste container air emission requirements ❑ V ❑ R o COS <br /> 66265. 178 <br /> Tank Management <br /> 501 CCR 66262.34(f) Failed to completely label stationary hazardous waste tanks V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 502 CCR 66265. 192(a) Failed to comply with new hazardous waste tank system assessment requirements ! ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 503 CCR 66265. 192(k) Hazardous waste tank assessment is incomplete ❑ V ❑ R o COS <br /> 504 CCR 66265. 192(m) Failed to notify EHD before replacing identical or equivalent equipment o V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 505 CCR 66265. 193 Hazardous waste tank system lacks secondary containment ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> FA0002064 PR0518490 SCO03 06/12/2019 <br /> EHD 2M2 Rev. 09/27/2018 Page 2 of 4 Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator OIR <br /> 1868 E . Hazelton Avenue Stockton , California 95205 T 209 468-3420 F 209 464-0138 1 www.sjcehd. com <br />