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b <br /> 1 <br /> 3) Remaining blood or other body fluids will be wiped up immediately with approved cleaning <br /> solution.Always wash hands after cleanup. <br /> 4) Upon discovering a small leak or tear in a bag, immediately place the damaged bag into another <br /> approved bag to avoid further spillage. <br /> c.For response to major spills, refer to Hazard Communication Program spill procedures. <br /> d.Employees will report any puncture wounds or similar exposures to Employee Health. After hours,the <br /> incident is reported to the Nursing Supervisor. The employee will present at our Emergency Department <br /> for medical treatment and will later complete an electronic Report of Injury <br /> 1. Describe how reusable medical waste carts or containers are cleaned and decontaminated(see <br /> below for approved cleaning methods): Sutter Tracy Community Hospital uses Hypochlorite <br /> solution 500 ppm available chlorine and/or Quaternary ammonium solution(400 ppm active <br /> agent)to clean reusable medical waste carts or containers. <br /> Approved cleaning methods include agitation to remove visible soil combined with one of the following: <br /> 1. Exposure to hot water of at least 82 degrees Centigrade(180 degrees Fahrenheit)for a minimum <br /> of 15 seconds. <br /> 2. Exposure to chemical sanitizer by rinsing with, or immersion in, one of the following for a <br /> minimum of three minutes: <br /> i. Hypochlorite solution(500 ppm available chlorine) <br /> ii. Phenolic solution(500 ppm active agent) <br /> iii. Iodoform solution(100 ppm available iodine) <br /> iv. Quaternary ammonium solution(400 ppm active agent) <br /> m. Describe, if medical waste is treated onsite, a closure plan for the termination of treatment, using <br /> at a minimum, one of the above referenced approved cleaning methods: Our San-I-Pak is self- <br /> sterilizing and is not subject to any chemical sanitizer cleaning process <br /> I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the statements made herein are correct and true. <br /> Printed Name: Bernard J. Bourque, HEM Signature: /4 0S <br /> Title: Safety Officer/Emergency Management Date: January 20 , 2016 <br /> and HazMat Coordinator <br /> EHD 45-03 9 <br /> 2015 <br />