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Mereq M 114 aA to <br />All that certain real property situate in the County of San Joaquin, State of California, described <br />as follows: <br />A portion of Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 6 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Northwest'/4 of said Section 36; run South 0°14' East <br />along the East line of said Northwest %4, 20 feet to the South line of Woodbridge Road; thence <br />North 88°50' West along said South Road line, 44.88 feet to the true point of beginning of the <br />hereinafter described tract of land; <br />Thence South 0°24' East 552 feet; thence South 88°50' East 44.88 feet; thence South 08°00' East <br />506.5 feet; thence South 87°35' East 163.7 feet; thence South 0°05'30" East 792.4 feet; thence <br />North 87°35; West 36.7 feet to a point being 195 feet East of said East line of Northwest 1/4; <br />Thence South 0° 14' East and parallel with said East line 629.3 feet to a point being 195 feet <br />Easterly at right angels from said East line and North 0°14' West 128.5 feet from the Southeast <br />corner of said Northwest %4; <br />Thence South 24'14' West 470.77 feet to a point being South 1"14' East 300 feet from said <br />Southeast corner of Northwest 1/4; <br />Thence South 87°59' West 123.70 feet to a point being 75 feet Easterly at right angels from the <br />center line of main track of the Central Pacific Railroad Company (Southern Pacific) at engineer <br />station 1515 plus 80; <br />Thence North 2°01' West and parallel with said center line of main track 1350.50 feet to a point <br />distant 75 feet Easterly at right angles from said center line of main tract at engineer station 1502 <br />plus 29.5; <br />Thence Northerly concentric with said center line of main track on a curve to the left whose <br />radius is 5804.61 feet, an arc distance of 486.29 feet (the chord of said curve bears North 4°25' <br />West 486.14 feet) to a point distance of 75 feet Easterly measured radially from said center line of <br />main tract at engineers station 1497 plus 49.5; <br />Thence North 8°40'32" East 120.16 feet; <br />Thence North 13°11'30" West 995.58 feet to said South road line; <br />Thence South 88°50' East along said South road line 361.03 feet to point of beginning. <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />