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Caiifornsa integrated Waste Management Board -- <br /> ".� . . Dan Eaton, Chairman ; <br /> ■;;;® t $8001,Cif tenter Drive • Sacramento California 95826 •(916)255-2200 <br /> www.ciwm <br /> Winston H. Hickox <br /> Gray Davis <br /> Secretaryfor Governor <br /> Environmental <br /> Protection <br /> July 19, 1999 <br /> Mr:Ron Wilmouth <br /> Brooks Products <br /> 1850 Parco Avenue <br /> Ontario, CA 91761 <br /> SUBJECT: Brooks Concrete Products,Facility No. 39-CR-0019 <br /> Dear Mr. Wilmouth: <br /> California Integrated Waste Management Board(Board)staff are writing this letter to clarify the Board's <br /> requirements with regard to the subject site. On July 1, 1999, Board staff transmitted correspondence to <br /> you indicating that the construction of any new on-site structures within 1,000 feet of the disposal area <br /> would be required to meet Title 27,California Code of Regulations(CCR), section 21190(g), unless an <br /> exemption from the requirement is obtained. <br /> On July 14, 1999, Board staff(Jeff Hackett and Tim Crist)met with Ray Jones of Brooks Products and a <br /> backhoe operator from Mountain Cascaid, Inc.,to further assess the nature of waste and potential landfill <br /> gas migration from the disposal site. Two trenches were excavated in the fill. Excavation of the trenches <br /> revealed that the site is covered with two to four feet of cover material and the composition of the waste is <br /> burn dump material (i.e., burn ash, metal,and glass). Since the site was previously used as a burn dump, <br /> there is no significant potential for the generation and subsequent migration of landfill gas. Therefore, the <br /> design and construction of Brooks Products' new office building, as depicted on San Joaquin Design <br /> Group's Site Plan(just west of the existing office building), is not required to meet 27 CCR 21190(g). <br /> Board staff are aware that Brooks Products is required by the local fire district to maintain the vegetation <br /> on the fill area to minimize potential fire hazards. Brooks Products has implemented the process of tilling <br /> the soil twice a year to meet the fire districts requirements. However,Board staff requests that you work <br /> with the fire district to minimize the tilling of the cover on the disposal site(e.g., would mowing the <br /> vegetation rather than tilling be acceptable to the fire district?). Tilling the cover material jeopardizes the <br /> integrity of the cover material and may lead to future grading and drainage problems and possible <br /> exposure of burn ash. <br /> The Board is currently serving as the solid waste enforcement agency(EA) for the City of Stockton and is <br /> required to inspect the subject disposal site. As a result of the July 14, 1999 site assessment, Board staff <br /> will inspect the subject site annually. In those jurisdictions where the Board is serving as the EA, the <br /> Board has implemented a cost recovery mechanism based on an hourly-billing rate. The billing rate is <br /> currentk 585.37 per hoar. The Board recovers costs for time spent on duties such as inspections. pena�its. <br /> closure plan technical rev iew. etc. A billing statement «ill be prepared for each.hiscai ear <br /> quarter and forwarded to Brooks Products. <br /> California En%iro!-m—_ntal Protection :N enev <br />