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4STRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE APPLICATION <br /> :is application form is for a Solid Waste Facilities Permit to receive, store,process,transform, or dispose of solid waste regulated by the <br /> slifornis Waste Management Board (Board). This form and the filing fee should be sent to the appropriate city or county Local Enforcement <br /> rency(LEA).The exact amount of the filing fee is determined by the LEA. <br /> )mplete this form and return it with a photocopy and two copies of the appropriate attachments determined to be necessary by your LEA. All <br /> aterial should be submitted on 81/2' x 11' paper. Maps and other oversize documents should be folded to that size. <br /> is effective date of the application is the date when all required information and the correct fee are received by the LEA. The LEA will notify <br /> )u of this effective date. <br /> you have any questions on the completion of this form, please contact the LEA or Board staff for assistance at(918) 255-2200. <br /> 'o instructions will be listed for items that are self,e lanatory. <br /> GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY <br /> fPE OF WASTE TO BE RECEIVED: <br /> rtierdtural-wastes resulting from the production and processing of farm or agricultural products,including manures,prunings, and crop <br /> sidues. <br /> •bostas-a naturally occurring family of carcinogenic fibrous mineral substance. The State Department of Health Services has classified friable <br /> antes which contain more than one percent asbestos by weight as hazardous wastes. Friable means that the material can be crumbled with <br /> assure and, therefore,is likely to emit fibers. <br /> -h-the residue from the incineration of solid wastes, including municipal waste,infectious waste, woodwasta,sludge, and agricultural waste. <br /> no shredder-the 'fluff' consisting of upholstry,paint,plastics, and other non-metallic substances which remains attar the shredding of <br /> nomobiles,discarded household major appliances, and shestmetal. The State Department of Health Services has classified untreated ' <br /> iredder wastes as hazardous. <br /> rnstmctlonldemotitlon worts- waste building materials, packaging, and nubble resulting from construction,remodeling, repair and demolition <br /> )orations, and consisting mainly of inert materials. <br /> rad strmels-animal carcasses requiring disposal that have not been previously used for medical purposes or with known infectious diseases. <br /> dustrlal-solid or semi-solid wastes resulting from industrial processes and manufacturing operations, e.g,cement kiln dust. ore process <br /> sidues, grit or screenings removed from a waste water treatment facility, etc. <br /> w-discarded*ire casings. <br /> .lids-wastes which are not spedeable,usually containing less than 50% solids. These wastes include cannery and food processing wastes, <br /> ndf ll leachate and gas condensate,boiler blowdown water. grease trap plumbings, oil and geothermal field wastes. septic tank pumpings, <br /> ndering plant byproducts, some sewage sludge, etc.may be hazardous. <br /> Ixed murrldpal-residential and commercial refuse, garbage and/or rubbish. Residential waste is commonly thought of as household garbage, <br /> 3mmercial wastes contain less putrscible waste and more paper and cardboard. <br /> rwage sludge-human (not Industrial) residue, excluding grit or screenings, removed from a waste water treatment facility or septic tank, <br /> hether in a dry or semidry form. <br /> •ood tnAT-shavings,sawdust,sanderdust, chips, bark, slabs,deck scrapings, edging woodand other flammable waste material incidental to <br /> is processing of wood products. <br /> her-classification of exempted solid waste facility, or any allowable wastes not included in the above. <br /> FACILITY INFORMATION <br /> ROPOSED CHANGE IN DESIGN OR OPERATION.OR NO CHANGE:EFFECTIVE DATE <br /> 3r existing permitted facilities, when the operator proposes changes in design, operation, operator,or owner,details of the changes must be <br /> ron to by the LEA. If significant,the permit must be revised prior to implementation of the change. For an application for permit review,if <br /> 'ere are no changes;so indicate. <br /> VERAGE ANNUAL LOADING (TPY) <br /> is average amount of wastes the facility will receive on a yearly basis over the next five years,expressed in tons. Must be consistent with <br /> is RFI and any California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements. Volume figures should be converted to tons and the conversion <br /> ctor should be documented In the accompanying Report of Facility Information. <br /> --AK DAILY LOADING (TPD) <br /> be maximum amount of waste the facility Is designed to receive,store,process, or dispose of per day, expressed in tons. <br /> ACILITY SIZE: <br /> he area of the facility in acres to be used for receiving, storing, processing, or disposing of wastes,including all monitoring locations and any <br /> iffer zone. This will be referred to as the 'permitted acreage' and is considered the facility boundaries. <br /> . OPERATOR INFORMATION: <br /> it land disposal operations, if the operator is different from land owner,attach lease or franchise agreement documenting operator's interest in <br /> al property. <br />�wonzt <br />