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E. CONTROL MEAS FOR: <br /> 1) Litter - The major part of the waste is dumped within an enclosed building and <br /> thus litter is not allowed to escape. Employees pick up any litter from waste <br /> deposited outside before it becomes a problem. <br /> 2) Odors - In general, odors are controlled by processing the waste and removing <br /> immediately after it is deposited at the station. Odors within the building will be <br /> controlled through a ceiling ventilation system. <br /> 3) Rodents and insects - Rodents and insects are kept under control through the <br /> timely removal of the waste and by keeping the storage of waste overnight to a <br /> minimum. A pest control firm sprays monthly. Daily maintenance spraying is <br /> performed if needed. <br /> breakdown - California Waste Removal Systems, Inc. has an <br /> 4) Equipment y <br /> agreement with Schultze Brothers Trucking to provide back up equipment if <br /> needed. Additionally, rental equipment is available in the Stockton area. <br /> 5) Power failure - There is no provision for emergency power since no threatening <br /> situation could occur because of a power failure. The baling and crushing <br /> equipment for processing of reclaimables would not be operable but if the power <br /> were down for a long period of time the waste would be routed directly to the <br /> landfill in the primary collection trucks to avoid backup at the station. <br /> 6) Maximum storage time - Under normal operation waste is removed within 24 <br /> hours. Maximum waste storage is.72 hours. <br /> 7) Noise-Noise is not a problem since the operation is mostly enclosed and the area <br /> around the site is mostly industrial. <br /> 8) Fire suppression -On site fire hydrants and hoses are available to put out any <br /> possible fires. All area's of the premises and each piece of equipment has a fire <br /> extinguisher and the Lodi Fire Department is available if needed. <br /> 9) Dust - Since the entire area is paved or oiled, dust is not a problem. The <br /> ventilation system in the building will handle the dust from this area. Water can <br /> be sprayed to control dust further if needed. <br /> F. TRANSFER EQUIPMENT <br /> Transferui ment will consist of 18 transfer trailers, 9 trucks to haul waste to the <br /> �l P <br /> landfill, and 5 loaders available to push the waste from the tipping floor to the transfer <br /> trailers or recycling areas. <br /> MISVimmy992 <br /> iszRosuffi 12 <br /> Jammry 199212 <br />