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N <br />I-] <br />1:45 p.m. - I contacted Gale to check on her progress at locating proper tenant. <br />She said she would contact tenant and have them contact me. <br />2:20 p.m. - Shirley at Westin Company (the company who put hazardous material in <br />bin) called me. I spoke with Westin's Environmental Compliance <br />Manager (Rob) who claimed to have permission from the County Health <br />Department to throw the containers away. I informed him that I didn't <br />think the landfill would accept it but to call the county again to <br />be sure. <br />2:23 p.m. - Contacted Lil Price to see who could give me a definitive answer. She <br />directed me to Jamie Perez (Operations Manager -Waste Management Division) <br />who told me,"No way." <br />2:34 p.m. - Mike Miller from the City of Stockton was contacted and told me that <br />they would not accept material. <br />2:40 p.m. - Called Rob at Westin Company and informed him that Mr. Perez was the <br />authority at the Lovelace facility (transfer station) and that he would <br />not allow the containers. I advised him to get the name of the person <br />he spoke to and make sure they have the authority to grant such requests. <br />TUESDAY 3/10/92 <br />8:25 a.m. - Rob called me stating that Ed Padilla (county hazardous material authority) <br />said it was o.k. I advised Rob to call Jaime and get a definitive <br />answer to the agreement of both officials. Rob agreed. <br />1:25 p.m. - Jamie Perez called to inform me that the "County was satisfied" that <br />Westin Triple rinses these containers. He informed me that no "certificate" <br />is required to substantiate the rinse process for this material. <br />Mr. Perez stated that the transfer station will accept these containers. <br />I voiced my concern that an operator or spotter at the landfill would <br />make us come back for the material. Jamie advised that I get a letter <br />from Westin stating their rinse policy and willingness to pay any hazardous <br />material removal costs, should the transfer station ever refuse to <br />accept them. <br />2:15 p.m. - Contacted Rob -relayed information -requested letter/Rob agreed. <br />