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531'°'�:�Yo em oxo 9 <br />' SUE BflWt.iNGtrho Builotin <br />Lovelace Road Transfer Station supervisors discuss an accident that took the life of Francisco Lopez, an <br />Alternative Work Program Inmate,, at the site Tuesday. <br />Inmate, run,o ver, by rb ga age. <br />tru <br />GARTH STAPLEY the California. Highway Patrol.. between -Lathrop and French <br />The Bulletin Honzell said dic driver of the Camp since March and was due to <br />An: Oakdale inmate serving Stockton Scavenger, Association be released in'two months. Gus- <br />-prison time.with the San Joaquin Inc. truck, John Horton Kendall, man said Lopez's wife had given <br />Alternate Work Program at the 42, of Hayward; had emptied his birth to their baby a' couple of . <br />garbage transfer �tatlon W! Love load moments before the incident-. months ago. <br />lace Road was kiltd wltcn'a gar and was backing the truck at about <br />bage truck accidently backed over 5 mph toward a. bathroom. Ken- Lopez's uncle had reportedly <br />him 'Tuesday ': dal! reportedly did not know .d�c. dice! recently, but Lopez was pre- <br />�Francisco J ol;cz, 21; .t native incident had; occurred .until wiE-.. vented from attending. tic burial <br />of Mexico, was rcportcdly; per- ncsscs.approached hitn as he dis- in'Mcxico this, week because of <br />forming hig'dtitj-'.bl! writing down mounted - from. the: trtick. his commitment to the AWP <br />numbers; on a;commcrcial, truck "(Lopez) was just`somcbody I program, Gusman said. <br />".when another duce -axle.` White knew hero at work," said.witncss San Joaquin County Solid. <br />truck hauling a garbage binJohn Kunkel of Modesto; visably Waste Manager Tom !:.orlon said <br />Packed over him, at'about 12:30 shaken, who lkad stttrtcd -work at the refuse station continued to <br />%p.m.;; killing him instantly, . the site as an AWP inmate the day : operate after Lppcz's death, <br />"(Lopez) had his back. turned to , before, although incoming trucks 'were <br />die truck, and he didn't know Bernardino Gusman, Lopez's routed around. the site allowing <br />what hit him," said. officer H.L. on-site supervisor, said the victim officers to complete an investiga- <br />:fIonzcll of Ute Stockton office of had worked at the transfer station tion into the death. <br />a <br />M <br />