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7. Identify the traffic volumes for incoming waste material vehicles, outgoing waste <br />material vehicles, and outgoing material from the material recovery operations. <br />Below is a list of comments which must be addressed in the Report of Composting <br />Site Information: <br />1. Specify whether the evaporation pondliner is 3 inches of compacted clay <br />4 inches of compacted clay. i <br />2. Provide a diagram of the water delivery system. <br />3. Standby Equipment - Provide a list of dealers that would supply replacement <br />equipment. <br />4. Obtain approval from the local fire department. <br />5. Clarify the temperature requirements for drying and sterilizing the sample bottles. <br />6. Provide a letter of approval from the Regional Water Quality Control Board. <br />if you have any questions, please call Ed Padilla, REHS, at (209) 468-3458. <br />Ernest Fujimoto, M.D., MPH <br />Acting Health Wcer <br />Laurie Cotulla, REHS, Program Manager <br />Environmental Health Division <br />cc Dan Maglioico, Tracy Delta DisposaF <br />Mike Repetto, Tracy Delta Disposal <br />Jon Whitehill, CIW`MB <br />Robert Evans, RWQCB <br />