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SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br /> � ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br /> 304 East Weber Avenue,3" Floor,Stockton,CA 95202-2708 <br /> c .• , Telepkone:(209)468-3420 FcaG(209)464-0138 Web.www.sjgov.orgfehd <br /> CONFTNED ANIMAL FACILITY <br /> MANURE/SOL11D WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN GUEDANCE DOCUMENT <br /> This Guidance Document is designed to assist in the development of a Manure/Solid Waste Management Plan for confined <br /> animal facilities(as defined in Title 27,§20164 of the California Code of Regulations)that must be approved by the <br /> Environmental Health Department. The plan is required in order to ensure that wastes from these operations are handled in a <br /> manner that provides public health protection,protects ground and surface water quality and minimizes the harborage and <br /> breeding of vectors such as rodents and insects. <br /> Authority for these requirements are contained in the Caffornia Public Resources Code,Division 30,§43020;the California <br /> Code of Regulations,Title 14,Division 7,Chapter 3,Article 8;the San Joaquin County Development Tide,§9-605.6(Ic)(4),and <br /> the San Joaquin County Ordinance Code,Title 5,Division 2. <br /> GENERAL INFORMATION <br /> ❑ Describe the type of operations conducted at this facility. <br /> ❑ Describe the frequency,duration,and time of year the facility will be in operation(year-round,seasonal,etc.) <br /> ❑ Provide a general description of the facility,and a site map of the parcel(s)showing the location of existing and proposed <br /> structures associated with the operation(such as barns,stalls,conals,pens,feed storage areas,ponds,lagoons,drainage <br /> canals,and manure use or disposal fields),as well as any residences,septic systems,and wells. <br /> ❑ Describe the prevailing wind direction at the site. <br /> MANURE MANAGEMENT <br /> ❑ Provide the maximum number of animals proposed in the facility design. <br /> ❑ Describe how manure from the confined animal operations 'll be managed,including the estimated amount that will be <br /> generated daily and the moisture content of the manure(liquid dry). <br /> ❑ Describe the number,type,size and location of mamre storage (ponds,lagoons,retention basins,stockpiles,etc.)and any <br /> associated washout systems(gutters,pipes,drains and ditches,etc.). <br /> ❑ Describe the manure disposal method(s)and s), land spreading,irrigation,etc. <br /> ❑ Note that any proposed discharge of manure tDponds,lagoons,land spreading,irrigation or combination of these methods must <br /> comply with EHD requirements,the State Water R (S CB)"Statewide Water Quality Regulations for Confined <br /> ,Animal Facilities,"and any requirements of the Central Valley Regiorial Water Quality Control Board(CVRWQCB). <br /> See the CVRWQCB website:httlxJ .wat f alley/available documents/confined <br /> SOLID WASTE(REFUSE,GARBAGE AND DEAD ANIMU MANAGEMENT <br /> ❑ Describe the type,number and capacity of refuse and garbage containers used by the facility(cans,dumpsters,etc.)and the <br /> name of the person or refuse company responsible for waste removal,frequency of removal and disposal location(transfer <br /> station,landfill,etc.) <br /> ❑ Describe the projected number and frequency of animal deaft and the storage and disposal methods used for dead animals <br /> (licensed rendering plant,etc.) <br /> FEEDING OPERATIONS <br /> ❑ Describe the type(s)of feed utilized(hay,silage,grain,food processing byproducts,etc.)and storage location(s). <br /> VECTOR CONTROL <br /> ❑ Describe the methods(trapping,baiting,spraying, )used inminimize rodent harborage,insect breeding(mosquitoes,flies, <br /> etc.),and adult fly populations associated with the facility (the animal confinement areas,the manure storage areas, <br /> the feeding operations,and the solid waste containment areas). <br /> ❑ If a licensed pest control serves is utilized,provide the name of the company,the frequency and type of control methods to be <br /> used. <br /> EHD 40-02-001 <br /> 2110!2005 <br />