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I <br /> Figure 2 <br /> I During the UST removals, a total of seven soil samples (1T through 3T), two from beneath each <br /> 10,000-gallon UST and three from beneath the 12,000-gallon UST were collected from the floor of <br /> the UST excavation A total of nine soil samples, one from beneath each product dispenser (DI <br /> I through D-5)and one beneath every 20 linear feet of product piping(P 1 through P4)were collected <br /> Also, four two-part composite samples (SP-1 through SP-4)were collected from the soil stockpile <br /> ISoil samples were collected beneath the former USTs at depths of 14 to 16 feet bsg beneath the <br /> product dispensers at 3 feet bsg, beneath the product piping at depths of 3 5 to 4 feet bsg and from <br /> the stockpiled soil excavated from the UST excavation Soil samples were analyzed for total <br /> Ipetroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g), volatile aromatic compounds - benzene, <br /> toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX), and fuel oxygenates - di-isopropyl ether(DIPE), <br /> ethyl-tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), methyl-tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), tertiary-amyl methyl ether <br /> (TAME) and tertiary butanol (TBA) <br /> I TPH-g was detected in three of the seven soil samples collected beneath the former USTs at <br /> concentrations of 1 0 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) (ITC-15 5), 2,300 mg/kg (2TW-15 5) and <br /> 1 1 mg/kg (3TW-15 5) TPH-g was also detected in one of the five soil samples collected beneath <br /> the product dispensers at a concentration of 17 mg/kg (D2-3) and in one of the four samples from <br /> the stockpiled soil at a concentration of 1 0 mg/kg (SP-1) Toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes <br /> were detected in UST sample 2TW-15 5 at concentrations of 1 1 mg/kg, 8 4 mg/kg and 70 mg/kg, <br /> respectively Toluene and total xylenes were detected in soil sample P4-4 at concentrations of 0 005 <br /> mg/kg and 0 016 mg/kg, respectively <br /> MTBE was detected in 15 of the 20 soil samples collected during the UST removals at <br /> concentrations as high as 17 mg/kg (132-3) Every soil sample collected under the dispensers <br /> contained detectable concentrations of MTBE TBA was detected in soil sample ITE-15 5 at a <br /> concentration of 1 3 mg/kg and in all four stockpile soil samples at concentrations as high as 0 67 <br /> mg/kg A summary of soil analytical results are presented in Table 1 <br /> SITE ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES <br /> IOn 04 and 05 September 2001,five soil borings(13-1 through B-5)were advanced at the site Boring <br /> B-1 was advanced to 40 feet bsg,boring B-2 was advanced to 90 feet bsg,boring B-3 was advanced <br /> I to 70 feet bsg and borings B-4 and B-5 were advanced to 25 feet bsg Soil boring B-1 was advanced <br /> in the western portion of the former and existing UST area through a 12-inch diameter conductor <br /> casing During drilling the soil cuttings began to disrupt the positioning of the casing and boring B-1 <br /> was abandoned at 40 feet bsg, 50 feet short of the proposed 90-foot total depth Boring B-2 was <br /> advanced fifteen feet west of boring B-1 to 90 feet bsg as a continuation of boring B-1 <br /> I Soil underlying the eastern portion of the site, in the area of the former and existing USTs, is <br /> impacted by TPH-g, BTEX compounds and MTBE TPH-g and BTEX contamination was not <br /> encountered beyond 80 feet bsg and MTBE contamination was not encountered beyond 50 feet bsg <br /> ,advanced GcoEn"ronmcntai,Inc- <br /> 1 <br />