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l <br />' 13 December 2002 <br /> • AGE-NC Project No 95-0130 <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br /> 3.0. FINDINGS <br /> Ground water elevation, flow direction andgradient were determined from field data collected on <br /> 04 September 2002, the contaminant impact to ground water was quantified by laboratory analysis <br /> of water samples <br /> 3 1 GROUND WATER ELEVATION AND GRADIENT <br /> The depths to ground water from the purged wells were measured at between 41 25 and 42 42 feet <br /> below the top of well casings,ground water elevation was calculated to be between 25 36(MW-6A) <br /> feet and 26 06 (MW-3) feet below mean sea level Ground water elevation at the site decreased an <br /> average 129 feet between the June 2002 and the September 2002 ground water monitoring events <br /> Ground water flow direction in the area bound by wells MW-1 through MW-5 was inferred to be <br /> toward the northeast at a gradient of 0 006 ft/ft or less The ground water elevation data during the <br />' September 2002 ground water monitoring event is depicted in Figure 3 <br />�. 3 2 LABORATORY RESULTS OF MONITORING WELL GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> A total of eighteen ground water samples were submitted to Castle Analytical Laboratory, a DHS- <br /> certified laboratory, for analysis <br /> TPH-g was detected in water samples collected from wells MW-2, MW-3, MW-5, MW-6 (A, B, <br /> C, E), MW-7 (B, C and E), VW-1 (B and C), VW-2A and VW-3A at concentrations as high as <br /> 200,000 micrograms per liter (yg/l) in the sample collected from VW-1B <br />' BTEX compounds were detected in the same wells at concentrations as high as 51,000 (ug/1) <br /> (toluene, VW-1B) The greatest benzene-impact was detected in ground water samples collected <br />' from well MW-713 at a maximum concentration of 50,000,ugll <br /> MTBE was detected by EPA Method 8260 in ground water samples collected from wells MW-2, <br /> MW-3, MW-6 (A, B, C and D), MW-7B, VW-1B, VW-2A and VW-3A at concentrations as high <br /> as 43,000,ugll (MW-6A) TBA was detected in ground water samples collected from wells MW-2 <br /> and MW-5 at a concentration of 110,ugll 1,2-DCA was detected in groundwater samples collected <br /> from wells MW-6C, MW-7B, VW-1B, VW-1C and VW-2A at concentrations as high as 130,ug/l <br /> (VW-2A and MW-7B) <br /> No other fuel components were detected in the ground water samples Previous and current analytical <br /> results of ground water monitoring well samples are summarized in Tables 3 and 4 The laboratory <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,inc <br />