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20 March 1996 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 95-0130 <br /> Page 4 of 23 <br /> 3 2 EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION <br /> ON <br /> The hollow stem augers were steam cleaned prior to each boring advancement The sampling tools <br /> and brass sleeves used for sample collection were thoroughly washed with a solution of Alconox, and <br />' rinsed twice with clean water prior to each sampling run <br />' 3 3 LOGGING <br /> During drilling activities, sample duplicates were described on boring logs in accordance with the <br />' Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), and were monitored for the presence of organic vapors <br /> (OVs)using a photo-ionization detector (PID Thermo Environmental 580A, 10 0 eV, calibrated to <br /> isobutylene) Boring logs are summarized in Appendix A <br /> 3 4 WELL COMPLETION <br /> 3 4 1 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION WELLS <br /> Soil boring VW-1 was triple completed with 2-inch diameter PVC casing, while soil borings VW-2 <br /> and VW-3 were dual completed with 2-inch diameter PVC casing PVC well casings were emplaced <br /> through the hollow stem of the augers at separate intervals The augers were incrementally raised as <br /> #3 Lonestar Lapis Luster sand was slowly poured down the annulus between the well casing and the <br /> inner wall of the hollow stem auger The filter pack was placed adjacent to the screen (0 020-inch <br /> screen) from the bottom of the screen to a point approximately 2 foot above the top of the screen <br /> A three-foot thick seal of bentonite chips was placed above the filter pack and hydrated with clean <br /> tap water All SVE wells were sealed with a grout As-built SVE well construction diagrams are <br /> included as Figures 3 through 5 <br /> 3 4 2 GROUND WATER MONITORING WELLS <br /> Soil borings MW-4 and MW-5 were completed as 2-inch diameter ground water monitoring wells <br /> A well casing was emplaced through the hollow stem of the augers The augers were incrementally <br /> raised as a #3 Lonestar Lapis Luster sand was slowly poured down the annulus between the well <br /> casing and the inner wall of the hollow stem auger The filter pack was placed adjacent to the screen <br /> I (0 020-inch screen) from the bottom of the boring to a point approximately 2 foot above the top of <br /> the screen A three-foot thick seal of bentonite chips was placed above the filter pack and hydrated <br /> with clean tap water The remaining annular space was sealed with a grout As-built monitoring well <br /> construction diagrams are included as Figures 6 and 7 <br /> r , <br />