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I that facility, either in hard copy or electronically, where the employee provides any '- <br /> 2 Iabor or services. (If an employee provides labor or services at more than one location, <br /> i <br /> 3 a copy of the"Training Roster" shall be maintained at each facility.) <br /> 4 4.4.e.3. The facility manager or supervisor shall not permit an <br /> I <br /> 5 employee to provide hazardous-waste related labor or services at a California Facility if <br /> 6 the employee has not received hazardous-waste related training appropriate for the <br /> i <br /> 7 employee's job description, or if more than one year has elapsed since the employee was <br /> 8 last trained as required by Title 22, section 66265.16. <br /> 9 4.4.e.4. Defendant shall maintain a copy of each"Training Roster" at <br /> 10 each California Facility(for employees trained at that facility),either in hard copy or <br /> 11 electronically, for a period of five (5) years from the date the training required by this <br /> 12 Final Judgment was conducted,regardless of the duration of the employee's <br /> 13 employment. <br /> 14 4.4.e.5. Defendant shall make available within three(3) business days <br /> 15 upon request by any UPA Inspector, peace officer, or agent of the Department of <br /> 16 Justice, Cal EPA,the Department of Toxic Substances Control or District Attorney,all <br /> 17 requested"Training Rosters"for California Facilities. <br /> 18 5. CIVIL PENALTIES,SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS,AND <br /> 19 COSTS <br /> 20 5.1 Civil Penalties <br /> 21 Within twenty-one (21) business days after entry of this Final Judgment,Defendant shall pay <br /> 22 ONE MILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($I 9-5TGNr00).as <br /> 23 civil penalties pursuant to Health and Safety Code sections 25189 and 25515,and Business and <br /> 24 Professions Code section 17206, in accordance with the terms of Exhibits B-1 and B-2,attached. <br /> 25 5.2 Hazardous Waste Minimization and Enhanced Compliance Proiects <br /> 26 On or before five years following entry of this Final Judgment, Defendant shall spend a <br /> 27 minimum of FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS($5.95,MQQO)on projects <br /> 28 to reduce hazardous waste generation and/or enhance the performance of Defendant's hazardous <br /> 11 <br /> STIPULATION FOR ENTRY OF FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION <br />