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(� � <br />SSS0--) <br />Sp\AzA <br />Linhares, Kadeanne [EHD] 14�4- <br />From: Scott Bakker <scooterbakker1> <br />Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 12:54 PM / <br />To: Linhares, Kadeanne [EHD] <br />Cc:; D. A. Sartori <br />Subject: FW: Encroachment Insurance Requirement <br />Attachments: Conditions -Ordinance -Outside Dining.pdf <br />CAUTION: This email is originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the <br />sender and know the content is safe. <br />Kadeanne: <br />As you know per the voicemail I left you last night, since there is no current indoor dining allowed in San Joaquin County, <br />Delta Brews is applying for a special encroachment permit from the City of Tracy to be able to re -open and serve food <br />and alcohol outdoors. <br />I advised the City of Tracy that Delta Brews recently changed our status with the San Joaquin County Environmental <br />Health Department from being a bar without food prep to a bar with food prep. By doing this, we were allowed to re- <br />open last month under the current COVID-19 orders issued at that time. That was also prior to the directive from <br />Governor Newsome on July 1St that all bars with food prep and restaurants cease and desist all indoor dining effective <br />immediately. <br />The City of Tracy is requesting that you provide them with a copy of the form that shows Delta Brews is no longer <br />classified as a 1621 (bar w/o food prep), and that we are now classified as a 1623 (bar with food prep). If you can reply <br />to this email and attach a copy of the documents that pertain to our new classification, it will be greatly appreciated. <br />Call me if you have any questions. <br />Sincerely, <br />Scott Bakker <br />925-872-0985 <br />From: Barbara Harb [] <br />Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2020 6:41 PM <br />To: <br />Subject: Encroachment Insurance Requirement <br />Scott, <br />When your encroachment permit is approved, engineering will provide you with the attached conditions and sidewalk <br />dining ordinance. I wanted to provide it to you in advance so you are aware of what will be expected when you're <br />approved. I also spoke to engineering and let him know that I forwarded your map and if he could get things moving <br />tomorrow, I'd appreciate it. (crossing fingers). <br />The insurance info is found on the last page, section (e). <br />