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The following is an itemized list of hazardous waste violations that have not been <br /> addressed for CDCR-California Health Care Facility as of November 01, 2019. <br /> Open violations from September 25, 2019 inspection <br /> Violation#607 -Damaged lead acid batteries not properly managed and labeled. <br /> OBSERVATION Damaged lead acid batteries are stored at this facility and are not stored in compliance with this <br /> section. The following damaged lead acid batteries were stored on-site: One damaged lead acid battery was <br /> observed in the Plant Ops Storage Cage not containerized or labeled. <br /> REGULATION GUIDANCE: A damaged battery shall be managed so as to minimize the release of acid and lead <br /> and to protect the handlers and the environment, including at a minimum: <br /> 1. stored and transported in a nonreactive, structurally secure, closed container capable of preventing the <br /> release of acid and lead; <br /> 2. a container holding one or more damaged batteries shall be labeled with the date that the first battery in the <br /> container was placed there, i.e., the initial date of accumulation; <br /> 3. all container labels shall be written in ink, paint or other weather-resistant material so that the date is legible <br /> and conspicuous <br /> 4. a container holding one or more damaged batteries shall be packed for transportation in a manner that <br /> prevents the container from tipping, spilling or breaking during the transporting. <br /> CORRECTIVE ACTION: Immediately manage, store, and label all damaged lead acid batteries in accordance with <br /> Title 22 California Code of Regulations. Provide a corrective action statement and supporting documentation to the <br /> San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department(EHD) within 30 days. <br /> ❑ This violation was corrected ❑ This violation will be corrected by (date): <br /> ❑ Supporting documents included <br /> Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation.- <br /> Page <br /> iolation:Page 7 of 7 <br />