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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> The objectives of this investigation were to further define the extent of impacted sail and to <br /> determine if groundwater had been impacted beneath the site To achieve these objectives, soil <br /> and groundwater-grab samples were collected for laboratory analysis from three on-site soil <br /> borings <br /> Soils observed in the three borings consisted of a massive clay and silt sequence overlying a <br /> discontinuous silty fine sand interval of undetermined thickness During drilling, groundwater <br /> was first encountered at depths ranging from 14 2 to 15 0 feet below ground surface (bgs) <br /> Ground surface is approximately 12 feet below street grade Groundwater does not appear to <br /> be confined and recharge was found to be moderately strong <br /> Soil and groundwater beneath the site have been impacted by gasoline hydrocarbons In soil, <br /> the sample coliected at 15 feet from B-2, near the south end of former UST contained the <br /> highest concentrations 400 mg/kg of TPH-as-gasoline, 0 3 mg/kg of benzene, 5 9 mg/kg of <br /> toluene, 11 mg/kg of ethylbenzene, 43 mg/kg of xylenes, 0 065 mg/kg of MTBE, and 9 5 mg/kg <br /> of total lead In groundwater, the sample collected from B-2 contained the highest <br /> concentrations 36,000 micrograms per liter (µg/l) of TPH-as-gasoline, 1,700 µg/I of benzene, <br /> 4,600 µg/I of toluene, 1,400 lag/I of ethylbenzene, 5,900 µg/1 of xylenes, and 25 µg/l of MTBE <br /> Vertically, the extent of impacted soil is mostly delineated but not completely defined at the total <br /> drilling depth of 20 feet bgs Laterally, the extent of impacted sal is defined to the south by B-1 <br /> and mostly delineated to the north by B-3 The extent of impacted groundwater at the <br /> groundwater table is only defined to the north by B-3 Concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons <br /> in groundwater appear to decline significantly to the south at B-1 <br /> Based on the distribution of gasoline hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater, the primary source <br /> of the impacts appears to be the former gasoline UST The bulk of the hydrocarbon mass is <br /> concentrated in soil and groundwater beneath the south end of former UST <br />' Based on the results of this investigation, Ramage Environmental recommends that a work plan <br /> be prepared, which outlines additional environmental corrective actions to be completed at the <br /> site Prior to proceeding with the additional corrective actions, PHS/EHD had requested in their <br /> letter dated May 16, 2000, that the interested parties meet to discuss the site information and to <br /> prioritize the work relative to five other county sites <br /> 3 <br />