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ASSOCIATEC Vq <br /> V TC <br /> S INC <br /> contained detectable concentrations of MTBE, and soil samples from S133 also contained <br /> detectable concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes Groundwater samples <br /> collected from SB3 and SB4 contained detectable concentrations of TPHg, total petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd) and MTBE The groundwater sample from boring S133 also <br /> contained detectable concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes <br /> In January 2004, ATC personnel supervised the advancement of soil borings MW1, MW2, and <br /> MW3 at the site to depths of approximately 65 feet bgs to evaluate groundwater for the presence <br /> of petroleum hydrocarbons and to determine the gradient direction and magnitude The borings <br /> were completed as monitoring wells Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in the <br /> groundwater samples collected from wells MW1, MW2, or MW3 Field activities and analytical <br /> results are detailed in ATC's Summary Report of Subsurface .Investigation, dated June 24, 2004 <br /> GROUNDWATER ELEVATION r <br /> Water level measurements were collected from wells MWI through MW3 on April 12, 2004 <br /> Water elevations ranged from a high of —33 70 to a low of —33 92 representing an average <br /> increase in water table elevation of 0 65 feet since January 2004 The water level data were used <br /> to develop a groundwater elevation contour map (figure 3) Review of the groundwater <br /> elevation contour map (Figure 3) indicates that the hydraulic gradient beneath the site on April <br /> 12, 2004 was 0 001 feet per foot (or approximately 5 4 feet per mile) and the gradient direction <br /> was to the southwest A summary of groundwater monitoring data 1s presented in Table 1 <br /> SAMPLING ACTIVITIES <br /> On April 12, 2004, groundwater samples were collected by ATC personnel from monitoring <br /> wells MW1 through MW3 The locations of the monitoring wells are shown on Figure 2 Prior <br /> to collection of the groundwater samples, the depth to water was measured and pH, electrical <br /> conductivity, and temperature were recorded for groundwater purged from each monitoring well <br /> A minimum of three well casing volumes was purged from each well prior to sampling The <br /> wells were allowed to recover and a sample was collected from each well using a disposable <br /> bailer Groundwater well purge and sample logs are contained in Attachment I <br /> The groundwater samples collected from the wells were submitted to State certified Argon <br /> Laboratories (ELAP Cert No 2359) for chemical analyses of TPHg and TPHd utilizing EPA <br /> Method 801513, BTEX utilizing EPA Method 8021B, and oxygenate fuel additives including <br /> methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) utilizing EPA Method 8260B i,2..D <br /> GR w-o s r o� <br /> ,-,C-L L <br /> ANALYTICAL RESULTS <br /> 4�or <br /> Groundwater samples collected from wells MW1, MW2, and MW3 did not contain <br /> concentrations of TPHg, TPHd, BTEX constituents, or fuel oxygenates at or above the laboratory <br /> • reporting limits Analytical results for groundwater samples are summarized in Table 2 <br /> Laboratory data sheets and chain-of-custody documentation are contained in Attachment 2 <br /> w 12687412QR-2404 doe <br />