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Mr Michael Walton • <br /> Walton Engineering <br /> March 20, 1998 <br /> •1 collected from approximately 3 feet below ground surface at sample location FD2 contained 0 65 <br /> ppm MtBE (Appendix A) <br /> Including soil generated during the overexcavation work, a total of approximately 400 cubic yards <br /> of soil was removed from the area of the former underground storage tanks This stockpiled soil <br /> material was removed from the site and transported by the owner (responsible party) to Forward, <br /> Inc , of Stockton, California, a licensed sanitary receptacle <br /> CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Based on field evidence and the results of the soil sampling and laboratory analysis program <br /> conducted by Grayland during tank removal and overercavation work at the site, it is apparent that <br /> soil contamination has occurred beneath the surface of the site as a result of the operation of the <br /> former underground fuel storage tank system Significant soil contamination beneath the site, <br /> however, was successfully removed by the excavation work conducted at the northwest corner of <br /> the former fuel tank excavation Based on laboratory analytical data, it appears that only residual <br /> soil contamination remains beneath the site <br /> Because only low concentrations of fuel hydrocarbons in the range of diesel fuel remain an the <br /> subsurface soil at approximately 24 feet below ground surface. the site as likely a candidate for <br /> closure, based on low risk soil only closure criteria Grayland recommends, therefore. that no <br /> . further environmental work be conducted at the site and that SJCEHD determine of the site meets <br /> the criteria for closure With your authorization Grayland will forward a copy of this report to <br /> SJCEHD for review Thank you for the opportunity to provide our geological environmental <br /> consulting services to Walton Engineering <br /> Sincerely <br /> Grayland Environmental G`S'ERED0%o <br /> No.5597 � <br /> Jeffrey A Clayton, R G , REA Evx x/94 <br /> Pnncapal Geologist * ,� <br /> JAC Jbe Of CA�te <br /> cc Ms Letitia Briggs (SJCEHD) <br /> GRAYLAIVD E1VV1R0V.LIEYVTt1L <br /> Grai land 022-160 trr 7 <br />