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f, <br /> 28 October 1997 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 97-0330 <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br /> the site circumstances that should be weighed while considering site closure <br /> Closure critekalr soil and ground water impacted by fuel hydrocarbons in the diesel range has not <br /> been established In contrast to fuel hydrocarbons in the gasoline range, the diesel range fuel <br /> hydrocarbons contain fewer soluble components, are less mobile in the soil column, and are less <br /> volatile <br /> The subject site has been impacted by diesel-range fuel hydrocarbons, with TPH-d concentrations <br /> detected in soil samples as high as 12,000 parts per million (ppm reported as milligrams per <br /> kilogram) The lateral extent of the TPH-d impacted soil has not been determined, nor the source fully <br /> identified The probable source of the most highly impacted soil (samples from P2) is the former <br /> dispenser or former product line The concentrations and distribution of TPH-d detected in the former <br /> UST area may have come from either a minor release from the former UST or a larger release from <br /> the former product line/dispenser area <br /> The vertical extent of impacted soil encountered in boring P-2, slightly deeper than 50 feet bsg, <br /> probably closely approximates the total vertical extent of impacted soil on the site, although a release <br /> originating from the former dispenser may have penetrated slightly deeper <br /> The later al extent of impacted ground water has not been determined, but where encountered on the <br /> site, ground water has had minimal TPH-d impact (70 and 510 ppb) and has not been impacted by <br /> BTE&X or PNAs Ground water was encountered on the site at approximately 62 feet bsg The flow <br /> direction is generally toward the northeast in this portion of Stockton <br /> The closest well is located approximately 800 feet east of the site, in a cross-gradient to down- <br /> gradient relationship to the subject property The decline of TPH-d concentrations from 510 ppb in <br /> P3 to 70 ppb over a distance of approximately 24 feet suggests that significant concentrations of <br /> TPH-d will not impact the well The second closest known well is approximately 1,200 feet north of <br /> the site, in a cross-gradient to down-gradient direction The low mobility of diesel-range fuel <br /> hydrocarbons in ground water and the above noted decrease of TPH-d concentrations between P3 <br /> and P4 suggests that the well is not likely to be impacted by the release <br /> Natural attenuation of the TPH-d left on site is a possibility, although no data has been collected to <br /> demonstrate that the process is occurring or can occur on the site The concentrations of TPH-d <br /> detected are not so high as to be toxic to petroleum-degrading bacteria <br /> LIMITATIONS <br />. Ourprofessional services were performed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by <br /> Advanced GeoEmironnzental,Inc <br />