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HYDROCARBON-IMPACTED SOIL <br /> MASS ASSUMPTIONS AND CALCULATIONS <br /> MID VALLEY TRAILER SALES <br /> 2461 North Wilson Way, Stockton, CA <br /> Assumptions: <br /> An estimate of the vertical and areal extent of impacted soil surrounding the former UST and <br /> dispenser areas was made from samples collected from borings Bi through Ba. <br /> The radius of the area of impacted soil is approximated by the distance between Bi and B3 <br /> at 9 feet. The vertical distribution is limited to the soil between,7 feet bsg(base of excavation) and <br /> 20 feet bsg as determined by soil samples collected in December, 1999. The hydrocarbon plume <br /> below boring Bi is modeled to have the shape of two cones with a common base.- <br /> The average concentration of Vi is based on the following assumptions: The concentrations <br /> detected in samples from boring Bi are the maximum concentrations in the plume as Bi penetrated <br /> the soil directly underlying the former UST dispenser. The samples collected at-15 feet bsg in <br /> borings B3 and Ba have essentially non-detectable concentrations of TPH-g,and therefore define the <br /> shape and maximum extent of impacted soilThe average-concentration in the Bi samples_c2llected <br /> between 13 feet and s feet bsg is 6,620 mwkg.The average concentration for the whole plume in this <br /> —deptli interval is assumed tome sligl�iti—more than the average"core"concentration(6,620 mpg)and P <br /> outer plume margin concentration,(ND<_1.0).and is.assum-edato-be-approximately 4,000 mg/kg The <br /> average concentration of V2 was approximated using these assumptions(380.5 mg/kg)as the average <br /> "core" concentration, and (ND< 1.0) as the outer plume margin concentration. The average <br /> concentration wa tl�p,rgluce tgara io by dividing the�o�ta Ii�igntass per unit weight by the <br /> unit weight; i.e. 4,0mg/kg= ,0(�0 mg/kg/ 1,000,000 mg/kg'--'0.004 <br /> These assumptions of the hydrocarbon plume were calculated from soil sample data collected <br /> in,September 1997 and December 1999. Figure 1 shows the modeled plume dimensions, and <br /> concentrations: <br /> Volume of Impacted Soil In Each Cone:4 V, = 1/3-n(ri)2(h2)- 1/3Tn(r2)2(h,) <br /> 5 V2 = 1/3•n(rl)2 (hs) <br /> 9 711. <br /> V, = 1/3•r(9ft) (13 ft) - 1/3Tc(4ft) (5 ft) — 1018.92 ft x L � <br /> V2 = 1/37r(9ft)2 (5 ft) =424.12 ft3 V <br /> Mass of Impacted Soil:4 M,=V(125 lb <br /> M5, = 1018.92 ft3 x 125 lb/ft3= 127,365.00 lbs <br /> Ms2=424.12 ft3 x 125 lb/ft3= 53,015.00 lbs ✓ ,_- _ } " <br /> Mass of Gasoline:-+ Mg=(lbs soil)x avg concentration <br /> Mg, = 127,365.00 lbs (.004) = 509.5 lbs gas <br /> Mgt =53,015 lbs/(._0004),.�21.21 lbs gas <br /> Total Mass of Gasoline 530.71 pounds of gasoline no) S n„o,L-jjs jtD,,y-e4 <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc. <br />