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i <br />' the month based on the volume of air removed The Monthly Mass <br /> • Extraction Calculations are presented as Table Four It shows that based <br /> on an average extraction flow rate of 58 cfm, and assuming a constant <br /> TPH-G concentration of 3,500 ug/1 in the influent air stream, the system <br /> recovered 292 gallons of gasoline per day from the vadose-zone Since <br />' the system operated only approximately 113 of the time in the first half of <br /> the month, and continuously the second half of the month, ASE calculated <br />' that the system operated approximately 19 total days to the month, a n d <br /> thus 55 48 gallons of gasoline were extracted from the vadose-zone <br /> during the month <br /> 1 <br /> DOWNGRADIENT MONITORING WELLS <br />' Monitoring wells MW-13, MW-14, MW-15, MW-16, and MW-19 are used to <br /> track the hydrocarbon concentrations of the groundwater downgradient <br />' of the recovery wells These wells are located across West Yosemite <br /> Avenue approximately 90 feet downgradient of the recovery wells, and are <br /> the closest observation points to determine if the plume leaving the site 1 s <br />' being remedlated Since the start-up of the interim groundwater <br /> remediation system, hydrocarbon concentrations within these monitoring <br /> wells have generally dropped one to two orders of magnitude <br /> FREE-FLOATING PRODUCT STATUS <br /> During field activities on June 14, 2001, ASE identified free-floating <br />' hydrocarbons on the groundwater surface in monitoring wells MW-5 and <br /> MW-6 and piezometer P-4 The product was subsequently identified as <br /> aged gasoline Since its discovery, product has occasionally been found in <br /> I the NEEP system tank floating on the water surface ASE has b e e n <br /> removing this product from the NEEP tank and storing it on-site in a drum <br /> for future off-site disposal There no longer exists a discernible volume of <br />' product on any of the wells on or off site <br /> 1 <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> Frank's One Stop Remediation System's Monthly Report — January 2002 <br />' -5- <br />