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disallows further migration of the plume of-site The captured <br /> groundwater is then treated with liquid-phase activated carbon prior to <br /> discharge to the local sanitary sewer The system has been designed to <br /> operate automatically on a constant basis, 24-hours per day, 7-days p e r <br /> week The basic components of the system are depicted on Figure 1 a n d <br /> are as follows <br /> 3. 1 Czroundwater Recovery Well <br /> Groundwater is extracted from (5) 2-inch diameter recovery wells spaced <br />' approximately 25-feet to 30-feet from each other Three of the recovery <br /> wells (RW-2, RW-4 and RW-5) already existed at the site as piezometers P- <br /> 2, P-3 and P-5 Two additional recovery wells RW-1 and RW-3 were <br /> installed on September 15, 2000 The depth of each of these wells is <br /> approximately 19-feet below ground surface (bgs), and are screened <br />' between 9-feet bgs and 19-feet bgs <br /> The plumbing required to deliver the extracted groundwater from the <br />' recovery wells to the treatment system was installed by ASE and its <br /> subcontractor Crutchfield Construction on September 21 and 22, 2000 <br /> Each well head was constructed to accept a 1-inch diameter, schedule 80 <br /> liePVC suction stinger whose inlet is positioned 6-inches from the bottom of <br /> the well casing It is this stinger that delivers the groundwater to the <br /> remediation system Each well is secured at the surface with a traffic <br /> rated well box <br /> 3. 2 Groundwater Extraction_P_umi2ing S, sv tem <br /> The groundwater is extracted from the five recovery wells using the <br /> EconoPump multi-well jet system (Appendix C) This system uses a liquid- <br /> driven het pumping system in which water is continuously circulated at 40 <br />' psi through multiple venturis to create a vacuum at each jet inlet port in <br /> the Multi-Jet Manifold The buried 1-inch diameter schedule 80 PVC <br /> piping is used to extract the groundwater from each recovery well and <br />' deliver it to the system As detailed above, the groundwater extraction <br /> point is occuring at the depth the extraction piping "stinger" is installed <br /> within each recovery well The extraction rate, which is adjustable within <br />' the treatment compound, has been set at approximately 2 gallons p e r <br /> minute (gpm) from each recovery well This pumping rate was computed <br />' based on the performance of the constant rate and step-drawdown tests <br /> conducted at the site several months ago At this pumping rate, t h e <br /> . system is capable of achieving a radius of influence for each recovery well <br />' of no less than 20-feet <br /> Frank's One Stop Interim Remediation System Installation Report — October 2000 <br />' -2- <br />