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Jun . 7 . 2019 3150PM FERGUSON FARMS No . $ . 10 <br /> C81 V'jED <br /> c. Confine the fire to the room/area by closing the door to the are <br /> where the fire is located and by ensuring all doors leading tol,TMor <br /> q� <br /> main hallways are closed . <br /> d . Attempt to extinguish the fire only if you have received training on <br /> the use of portable fire extinguishers , the fire is in its beginning <br /> stage , and it can be extinguished safely. <br /> e . Disabled and non-ambulatory (unable to walk personnel) should <br /> request assistance from those nearest to them . Advise the l=ire <br /> Department or Security of personnel trapped who may require <br /> assistance to evacuate , <br /> VI . Earthquake Emergency Procedures <br /> a . If you are indoors, stay there. Take shelter under a desk, table , or <br /> in a doorway. If you cannot get under something sturdy or stand in <br /> a doorway, get on your hands and knees and cover your head with <br /> your hands and arms. <br /> b . If you are outdoors , go to an open area away from trees , buildings , <br /> walls , roadways and power lines , <br /> c. If the building Is evacuated , do not return until authorized . <br /> d . Beware of potential dangers after an earthquake such as escaping, <br /> gas , unstable building structures , electrical hazards , etc, Also <br /> beware of aftershocks . <br /> eo personnel of the location of the disabled person (s) in the event all <br /> other actions fail . <br /> Alest of employees who will need assistance in the event of an <br /> emergency is Included lin attachment C. <br /> VII . Serious Injury <br /> a. Check the scene and the victim to determine the danger potential <br /> and the extent of the injury. Do not move a seriously injured victim <br /> unless there is an immediate danger such as fire , flood , or <br /> poisonous gas . If you must move the victim , do it as quickly and <br /> carefully as possible . If there is no immediate danger, do not move <br /> the victim and advise the bystanders the victim is not to be moved . <br /> b. Call 911 immediately if the victim is unconscious . Additionally, you <br /> should call for an ambulance if the victim has trouble breathing or is <br /> breathing in a strange way ; has pressure or pain in the chest or <br /> abdomen ; is bleeding severely, has slurred speech ; appears to <br /> have been poisoned ; has injuries to the head , neck , or back , or has <br /> possible broken bones . <br /> c . Keep the victim calm and as comfortable as possible . Administer <br /> CPR or First Aid if you have been trained in those areas (A list of <br /> 5 <br />