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28 December 1999 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 97-0351_ <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br /> Approximately five cubic yards of hydrocarbon-impacted soil were removed and stockpiled during <br /> the UST removal sampling. Soil samples were collected from two feet below the UST, at depths of <br /> twelve feet bsg. The overburden soil was used to back fill the lowest portion of the excavation. <br /> Analytical results of soil samples collected-from UST excavation indicated that an unauthorized <br /> release of hydrocarbons had occurred at the western edge of the UST. Total petroleum hydrocarbons <br /> quantified as gasoline were-detected in sample Tl-W at 690 mg/Kg(milligrams per kilogram or parts <br /> per million: ppm). TPH-g was not detected in the soil sample collected from the eastern end of the <br /> UST. <br /> 2.3. PREVIOUS SITE INVESTIGATION <br /> On 14 November 1996 and 16 January 1997, a total of fifteen soil probe borings (PI through P15) <br /> were advanced at the site,under the supervision of the PHS-EHD. Soil probe borings were advanced <br /> in the vicinity of the West UST area, removed in 1986 from in the City of Stockton right-of-way; <br /> at the western edge of the site and in the vicinity of the plating shop on the site. Locations of the soil <br /> probe borings are illustrated on Figure 2. <br /> Hydrocarbon-impacted soil in the vadose zone, associated with the West UST area within San Jose <br /> Street was limited to a narrow zone from depths of approximately 5 to 15 feet bsg, immediately <br /> surrounding the UST. The detection of MTBE in soil samples collected from probe boring.Pl <br /> indicate the release of gasoline to be relatively recent, possibly within the past twenty years. <br /> Gasoline-impacted ground water is present around the West UST area. The dissolved gasoline plume <br /> appears to extend to approximately 50 feet northeast and 50 feet southwest from the former West <br /> UST area, and has an approximate width of 40 feet. <br /> To determine the lateral extent of the hydrocarbon impact to soil and ground water associated with <br /> the West UST and the potential impact from the Texaco facility to the subject property, soil probe <br /> borings were advanced at the site under the supervision of the PHS-EHD. <br /> On 14 November 1996 and 16 January 1997 a total of fifteen soil borings were advanced at the site. <br /> Probe boring and.P10 to P14 were established,surrounding-the West UST area and along <br /> the boundary of the subject property with the Texaco facility. <br /> Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g), benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylenes <br /> (BTE&X), methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) were detected in soil samples collected from the <br /> probe boring advanced in the area of the West UST excavation at concentrations as high as 3,700 <br /> mg/kg (milligrams per kilograms or parts per million: ppm). Hydrocarbon-impacted soil associated <br /> Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc. <br />