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12 March 1999 <br /> i AGE-NC Project No 97-0333 <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br /> collected from the floor of the excavation and beneath product piping Total pets oleum hydrocarbons <br /> quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) were detected beneath the east ends of the three USTs at <br /> concentrations ranging to 2,600 milligrams per kilogram(mg/kg),beneath the west ends of the USTs <br /> at concentrations ranging to 25 mg/kg,and beneath product piping at concentrations ranging to 8,000 <br /> mg/kg <br /> Volatile aromatics (benzene,toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes BTEX) were detected beneath the <br /> east ends of three USTs at concentrations ranging to 340 mg/kg, beneath the west ends of the USTs <br /> at concentrations ranging to 2 7 mg/kg, and beneath product piping at concentrations ranging to 880 <br /> mg/kg <br /> Fuel oxygenates (methyl tertiary butyl ether MTBE, tert-amyl methyl ether TAME and tert-- <br /> butanol TBA) were detected beneath the east ends of the three USTs at concentrations ranging to <br /> 16 mg/kg, beneath the west ends of the USTs at concentrations ranging to 3 1 mg/kg, and beneath <br /> product piping at concentrations ranging to 690 mg/kg <br /> 23 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING <br /> The property is situated within the Great Valley Geomorphic Province of California, a large, <br /> elongate, northwest trending, asymmetric structural trough The Great Valley Province has been <br /> filled with thick sequences of sediment ranging in age from Jurassic to Recent, creating a nearly fat- <br /> lying alluvial plain, extending from the Tehachapi Mountains in the south to the Klamath Mountains <br /> in the north The western and eastern boundaries of this province are comprised of the California <br /> Coast Range and the Sierra Nevada, respectively Rocks composing the basement complex of the <br /> province have not been completely defined but are believed to be metamorphic and igneous in <br /> origin The northern and southern portions of the Great Valley Province have been designated the <br /> Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, respectively <br /> Based on the General Soil Map from the San Joaquin County Soil Survey, published by the United <br /> States Department of Agnculture Soil Conservation Service in 1992,the site area is within the Delhi- <br /> Ventas-Tinrun (DVT) association The DVT soils are located within dunes, alluvial fans and stream <br /> terraces along the Stanislaus River, and generally consist of well drained coarse textured soils The <br /> soils are generally derived from both marine and non-manne sediment, and are generally formed in <br /> alluvium denved from granitic and mixed rock sources <br /> 24 GROUND WATER DEPTH AND FLOW DIRECTION <br /> The estimated depth to ground water at the site is between 15 and 20 feet below surface grade (bsg) <br /> Advanced GeoEmkronmentai,Inc <br />