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® ❑ 5.1 Discussion of the above evaluation to either rule out each source as a real or potential threat <br /> or to recommend further action to mitigate or abate any real or potential threats identified. <br /> Recommendations may include additional site assessment (i.e. collection of soil/water <br /> samples) and/or mitigative measures (i.e., clean up of surface wastes). All <br /> recommendations for future work must include a time frame for implementation. <br /> ® ❑ 5.2 The report was inclusive (i.e. all information referenced was included in this report— report <br /> should not reference other reports). <br /> ® ❑ 5.3 The report was signed, dated and stamped by a qualified environmental professional. <br /> ® ❑ 5.4 The report was prepared within six months of the date of the submittal of the land use <br /> application. <br /> ® ❑ 5.5 The attachments/appendices contain sufficient documentation to support claims made in <br /> report. <br /> Reviewed By: Aaron Gooderham, EHS�LI Reviewed Date: l �� <br /> EHD 26-02-001 Page 2 of 2 Surface&Sub Checklist <br /> 7/14/2003 <br />