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EPA ID NUMBER CAL00( 3117 Page 1 of 3 <br /> CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT - SPECIFIED WASTESTREAMS <br /> UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION <br /> (pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 25201.5(c)) <br /> UNIT DAME Manat7graphy (2420) UNrr ID NUMBER INS 2420 <br /> NUMBER OF TREATMENT DEVICES: Tank(s) 1 Container(s) <br /> Each unit must be clearly identified and labeled on the plot plan attached to Form 1772. Assign your own unique number to each <br /> unit. The number can be sequential (1, 2, 3) or using any system you choose. <br /> Enter the estimated monthly total volume of hazardous waste treated by this unit. This should be the maximum or highest amount <br /> treated in any month. Indicate in the sarradve (Sectios 11) if your operations have seasonal variations. <br /> 1. WASTESTREAMS AND TREATMENT PROCESSES: <br /> Estimated Monthly Total Volume Treated: pounds and/or 110 gallons <br /> The following are the eligible wastestreams and treatment processes. Please check all applicable boxes: <br /> ❑ 1. Treats resins mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. - <br /> ❑ 2. Treat containers of 110 gallons or less capacity that contained hazardous waste by rinsing or physical processes, <br /> such as crushing, shredding, grinding, or puncturing. <br /> ❑ 3. Drying special wastes, as classified by the department pursuant to title 22, CCR, section 66261.124, by pressing <br /> or by passive or heat-aided evaporation to remove water. <br /> ❑ 4. Magnetic separation or screening to remove components from special waste, as classified by the department pursuant <br /> to title 22, CCR, section 66261.124. <br /> ❑ 5. Neutralize acidic or alkaline(base)wastes from the regeneration of ion exchange media used to demineralize water. <br /> (This waste cannot contain more than 10 percent acid or base by weight to be eligible for conditional exemption.) <br /> ❑ 6. Neutralize acidic or alkaline (base) wastes from the food processing industry. <br /> X❑ 7. Recovery of silver from photofinishing. The volume limit for conditional exemption is 500 gallons per generator <br /> (at the same location) in ar y calendar month. <br /> S. Gravity separation of the following, including the use of flocculants and demulsifiers if <br /> ❑ a. The settling of solids from the waste where the resulting aqueous/liquid stream is not hazardous. <br /> ❑ b. The separation of oil/water mixtures and separation sludges, if the avenge oil recovered per month is less <br /> than 25 barrels (42 gallons per barrel). <br /> ❑ 9. Neutralizing acidic or atkaline.(base) material by a state certified laboratory or a laboratory operated by an <br /> educatioaa! institution. (To be eligible for conditional exemption, this waste cannot contain more than 10 percent <br /> acid or base by weight.) <br /> DTSC 17729 N 93) <br />