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EPA ID NUMBER Page 2 of <br /> M. RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS OR WASTE J <br /> YES NO <br /> y <br /> F-1 LJ Does the facility use, store or treat radioactive materials or radioactive waste? <br /> IV. TYPE OF COMPANY: STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (SIC) CODE: <br /> Use either one or two SIC codes (a four digit number) that best describe your company's products, services, or industrial activity. <br /> Example: 7384 Photoftnishin¢lab 7218 Industrial launderers <br /> First: 5531 Asl.6 SkPPT� Second-.T5W At1 0rA0'!'IVC �LIQQ Vr gkOp3 <br /> V. PRIOR PERMIT STATUS: Check yes or no to each question: <br /> YES NO <br /> ❑ I. Did you file a PBR Notice of Intent to Operate (DTSC Form 8462) in 1992 for this location? <br /> ❑ E?r 2. Do you now have or have you ever held a state or federal hazardous waste facility full permit or interim <br /> �—y status for any of these treatment units? <br /> L'J ❑ 3. Do you now have or have you ever held a state or federal full permit or interim status for any other <br /> hazardous waste activities at this location? <br /> ❑ 4. Have you ever held a variance issued by the Department of Toxic Substances Control for the treatment you <br /> ��/ are now notifying for at this location? <br /> [J ❑ 5. Has this location ever been inspected by the state or any local agency as a hazardous waste generator? <br /> VI. PRIOR ENFORCEMENT HISTORY: Not required from conditionally exempt generators or commercial laundries. <br /> YES <br /> ❑ L1 <br /> Within the Iasi three years, has this facility been the subject of any convictions, judgments, settlements, or final <br /> orders resulting from an action by any local, state, or federal environmental, hazardous waste, or public health <br /> enforcement agency? <br /> (For the purposes of this form, a notice of violation does not constitute an order and need not be reported unless <br /> it was not corrected and became a final order.) <br /> ❑ If you answered Yes, check this box and attach a listing of convictions,judgments, settlements,or orders and a copy <br /> of the cover sheet from each document. (See the Instructions for more information) <br /> VII. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments are not required from commercial laundries. <br /> ❑ I. A plot plan/map detailing the location(s)of the covered unit(s) in relation to the facility boundaries. <br /> ❑ 2. A unit specific notification form for each unit to be covered at this location. <br /> DTSC 1772 (1/96) Page 2 <br />