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UNU WD PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM <br /> ONSITE TIERED PERMITTING <br /> CONDITIONALLY MPT SMALL QUANTITY TREATMENT (CESQT).PAGE <br /> WASTE AND TREATMENT PROCESS COMBINATION <br /> (one a e r treatment uaa-check as that a l p <br /> I <br /> UNIT IDX 606 Facili IDX Ne of <br /> CESQT=treats < 55 gallons or 500 pounds of hazardous waste in any calendar mouth in ALL units at this facility MOT_a limit for each wasiestream or unit separately). CESQT <br /> generators may not hold other state or federal hazardous waste permit or authorization for this facility,including other onsite tiers. <br /> 1. Aqueous wastes containing hexavalent chromium may be treated by the following process: 618 <br /> ❑ a. Reduction of hexavalent chrondum to trivalent chromium with sodium bisulfim,sodium metabisulfite,sodium thiosulf m,ferrous sulfate,ferrous sulfide or sulfur dioxide <br /> provided both pH and addition of the reducing agent art automatically controlled. <br /> 2. Aqueous wastes containing metals listed in Title 22,CCR,Section 66261.24(a)(2)and/or fluoride salts may be treated by the following technologies: <br /> ❑ a. pH adjustment or neutralization. ❑ g. Plating the metal onto an electrode. <br /> ❑ b. Precipitation or crystallization. ❑ Is. Electrodialysis <br /> ❑ c. Phase separation by filtratl « i. Electrowinninon, nvifugation or gravity settling. ❑ B or electmi tic Y recovery <br /> ❑ <br /> it. Ion exchange. ❑ j. Chemical stabilization using silicates and/or«mentitious types of reactions. <br /> ❑ e. Reverse osmosis. ❑ k. Evaporation. <br /> ❑ f. Metallic replacement. ❑ I. Adsorption <br /> 3. Aqueous wales with total organic carbon less than 10%u measured by EPA Method 9060 and less than 1%total volatile organic compounds as measured by EPA Method <br /> 8240 may be treated by the following technologies:: <br /> ❑ a. Phase separation by filtration,centrifugation or gravity settling,but excluding super critical fluid extraction. <br /> ❑ b. Adsorption. <br /> 7 ❑ c. Distillation. _ <br /> ❑ d. Biological processes conducted in tanks or containers and utilizing naturally occurring microorganisms. <br /> ❑ e. Phomilegradation using ultraviolet light,with or without the addition of hydrogen peroxide or ozone,provided the treatment is conducted in an enclosed system. <br /> ❑ <br /> I. Air stripping or steam stripping. <br /> 4. Sludges,dusts,solid metal objects and metal workings which contain or are contaminated with metals listed in Title 22,CCR,Section 66261.24(a)(2)and/or fluoride salts <br /> may be treated by the following technologies: <br /> ❑ a. Chemical stabilization using silicates and/or cementitious types of reactions. <br /> ❑ b. Physical processes which change only the physical properties of the waste such as grinding,shredding,crashing or compacting. <br /> ❑ c. Drying to remove water. - <br /> ❑ <br /> it. Separation based on differences in physical properties such as sire,magnetism or density. <br /> S. Alum,gypsum,lime,sulfur or phosphate sludges may be treated by the following technologies: <br /> ❑ a. Chemical stabilization using silicates and/or cementitious types of reactions. ❑ c. Phase separation by filtration,centrifugation or gravity settling. <br /> ❑ b. Drying to remove water. <br /> 6. Wastes identified in Title 22,CCR,Section 66261.120,that meet the criteria and requirements for special waste classification in Section 66261.22 may be treated by the <br /> following technologies: <br /> ❑ a. Chemical stabilization using silicates and/or cementitious types of reactions. <br /> ❑ b. Drying to remove water. <br /> ❑ c. Phase separation by filtration,centrifugation or gravity settling. <br /> ❑ d. Screening to separate components based on size. <br /> ❑ e. Separation based on differences in physical properties such as site,magnetism or density. <br /> 7. Wastes,except asbestus,which have been classified by the Department u special wastes pursuant to Title 22,CCR,Section 66261.124,my be treated by the following <br /> technologies: <br /> ❑ a. Chemical stabilization using silicates and/or cementitious types of reactions. ❑ c. Phase separation by filtration,centrifugation or gravity settling. <br /> ❑ b. Drying to remove water ❑ d. Magnetic separation <br /> S. Inorganic acid or alkaline wastes may be treated by the following technology: <br /> ❑ a. pH adjustment or neutralization. <br /> 9. Soils contaminated with metals listed in Title 22,CCR,Section 66261.24(a)(2),(Persistent and Bioaccumulative Tome Substances)may be treated by the following <br /> technologies: <br /> ❑ a. Chemical stabilization using silicates and/or cementitious types of reactions. ❑ c. Magnetic separation. <br /> ❑ b. Screening to separate components based on size. <br /> 30. Used oil,unrefined oil waste,mixed oil,oil mixed with water and oil/water separation sludges may be treated by the following technologies: <br /> ❑ a. Phase separation by filtration,centrifugation or gravity settling,but excluding super critical fluid extraction. <br /> ❑ b. Distillation. - <br /> ❑ c. Neutralization. <br /> ❑ d. Separation based on differences in physical properties such as size,magnetism on density. <br /> ❑ e. Reverse osmosis. <br /> ❑ <br /> I. Biological processes conducted in tanks or containers and utilizing naturally occurring microorganisms. <br /> 11. Containers of 110 gallons or less capacity which are not constructed of wood,paper,cardboard,fabric,or any other similar absorptive material,which have been emptied <br /> in <br /> specified in Title 40 of the Cade of Federal Regulations,section 261.7 or inner livers removed from empty containers that once held hazardous wane or hazardous material <br /> and which are not excluded from regulation may be treated by the following technologies provided the treated containers and rinseate are managed in compliance with <br /> applicable requirements. <br /> ❑ a. Rinsing with a suitable liquid capable of dissolving or removing the hazardous constituents which the container held. <br /> ❑ b. Physical processes such as crushing,shredding,grinding or puncturing,that change only the physical properties of the container or inner liner.provided the container or inner <br /> liner is first rinsed and the rinseam is removed from the container or inner liner. <br /> 12. Muld-component resins may be treated by the following process: <br /> ❑ a. Mixing the resin components in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. <br /> 13. A waste stream technology combination certified by the Department pursuant to Section 25200.1.5 of the Health and Safety Code as appropriate for authorivtion under <br /> CESQT. <br /> 197 <br />