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Title 22 Environmental Health Standards—Hazard, -;Waste §66265.193 <br /> .,,. 1-11 <br /> (D)provided with an impermeable interior coaling or lining that is 2.the hydrogeological characteristics of the facility and surrounding <br /> compatible with the waste being transferred.stored or treated and that land. <br /> will prevent migration of waste into the concrete: 3.the potential for health risks caused by human exposure to waste <br /> (E)provided with ameansto protect against the formation of and igni- constituents. <br /> tion of vapors within the vault,if the waste being transferred.stored or 4.the po wntial fordamage to wildlife,crops,vegetation.and physical <br /> treated: structures caused by exposure to waste constituents.and <br /> 1.meets the definition of ignitable waste under section 66262.21 of 5.the persistence and permanence of the potential adverse effects: <br /> this division,or (B)the potential adverse effects of a release on ground—water quality. <br /> 2.meets the definition ofreactive waste under sec tion 66261.23 of this taking into account: <br /> division and may form an ignitable or explosive vapor.and I.the quantity andqualityofgroundwaterandthedirectionofground— <br /> (F) provided with an exterior moisture barrier or he otherwise de- water flown. <br /> signed or operated to prevent migration of moisture into the vault if the 2.ire proximity and withdrawal rates of water in the area. <br /> vault is subject to hydraulic pressure. 3.the current and future uses of ground water in the area,and <br /> (3)Double—walled tanks shall be: 4,the existing quality of ground water.including othersourees of con- <br /> (A)designed as an integral structure( inner tank within an outer tamination and their cumulative impact on the ground—water quality: <br /> shell)so that any release from the inner tank is contained by the outer (C)the potential adverse effects of a release on surface waterquality. <br /> shell: taking into account: <br /> (B)protected.if constructed of metal.from both corms.ion of the pri- 1.the quantity and quality of grusundwaterand thedirection of ground— <br /> mary tank interior and the external surface of the maer shell:and water flown. <br /> (C)provided with a built—in.continuous leak detection system capable 2.the patterns of rainfall in the region. <br /> of detecting a release within 24 hours or at the earliest practicable time. 3.the proximity of the tank system to surface waters. <br /> if the owner or operator can demonstrate to the Department.and the De- 4.the current and future uses of surface waters in the area and any wa- <br /> partmentconcurs.that the existing leakdetection technology or site con- ter quality standards established for those surface waters.and <br /> ditions will not allow detection of a release within 24 hours. 5.the existing quality of surface water,including othersources of con- <br /> (f)Ancillary equipment shall be provided with full secondary contain- (amination and the cumulative impact on surface—water quality:and <br /> went(e.g.. trench,jacketing,double—walled piping)that meets the m- (D)the potential adverse effects of a release on the land surrounding <br /> quirements of subsections(b)and(c)of this section except for: the tank system.taking into account: <br /> (1)aboveground piping(exclusive of flanges,joints,valves,and con- I.the patterns of rainfall in the region,and <br /> notions)that are visually inspected for leaks on a daily basis: 2.the current and furore uses of the surrounding land. <br /> (2)welded flanges,weldedjoints,and welded connections that are vi- (3)The owner or operator of a tank system.for which a variance from <br /> sually inspected for leaks on a daily basis: secondarycontainment has been granted in accordance with the require- <br /> (3)sealless or magnetic coupling pumps and sealless valves,that are meats of subsection(gX])of this section,at which a release of hazardous <br /> visually inspected for leaks on a daily basis:and waste has occurred from the primary tank system but has not migrated <br /> (4)pressurized aboveground piping systems with automatic shut—off beyond the zone of engineering control(as established in the variance). <br /> devices(e.g..excess flowcheckvalves.flow meteringshutdown devices. shall: <br /> loss of pressure actuated shut—df devices)that are visually inspected for (A)comply with the requirements of section 66265.196,except sub. <br /> leaks ort a daily basis, section(e):and <br /> (g)The owner or operator may obtain a variance from the require- (B)decontaminate or remove contaminated soil to the extent neces- <br /> ments of this section for existing above—ground tanks in place.if the De- nary to: <br /> penmen finds,as a result of a demonstration by the owner or operator. 1.enable the tank system.for which the variance was granted,to m- <br /> either that alternative design and operating practices,togetherwith to ca- sume operation with the capability for the detection of and response to <br /> tioacbamctetistics.will prevent the migration of hazardous waste oxhaz- releases at leastequivalent to the capabilityit had priorto the mime.and <br /> ardous constituents into the ground water or surface water at least as ef- 2.prevent the migration of hazardous waste o rhazartiows constituents <br /> fectively ac secondary containment during the active life of the tank to ground water or surface water.and <br /> system.orthat in the event of a release that does migrate to ground water (C)if contaminated soil cannot be removed ordecontaminated in ac- <br /> orsurface water,nosubstantial present or potential hazard will be posed codance with subsection(gX3XB)of this section.comply with the m- <br /> to human health or the environment. quitements of section 66265.197(b): <br /> (1)In deciding whether to grant a variance based on a demonstration (4) The owner oropentorof a tank system.forwhich a variance from <br /> of equivalent protection of ground water and surface water.the Depart- secondary containment has been granted in accordance with the require- <br /> ment will consider. ments of subsection(g)(I)of this which a release of hazardous <br /> (A)the nature and quantity of the waste: waste has occurred from the primary tank system and has migrated be- <br /> (B)the proposed alternate design and operation: yowl the zone of engineering control (as established in the variance). <br /> (C)tbe hydrogeologic setting of the facility.includingthe thickness of shall: <br /> soils between the tank system and ground water.and (A)cmnplywith the requirements ofsection 66265.196(a).(b).(e),(d) <br /> (D)all other factors that would influence the quality and mobility of and(e):and <br /> the hazardous constituents and the potential for the constituents to mi- (B)prevent the migration of hazardous waste or hazardous constilu- <br /> grate to ground water or surface water. ents to ground water or surface water,if possible,and decontaminate or <br /> (2)in deciding whether to grant a variance.based on a demonstration remove contaminated soil. If contaminated soil canna be decontami- <br /> of no substantial present or potential hazard,the Department will consid- nated or removed.or if ground water has been contaminated.the owner <br /> er. or operator shall comply with the requirements of section 66265.197(6): <br /> (A)the potential adverse effects on ground water.surface water.and (C)ifrepairing.replwing.or reinstalling the tank system,provide sec- <br /> land quality taking into account: ondary containment in accordance with the requirements of subsections <br /> 1.the physical and chemical characteristics of the waste in the tank (a)through(f)of this section or reapply for a variance from secondary <br /> system,including its potential for migration. containment and meet the requirements for new tank systems in section <br /> Page 758.95 Revs,a.Ne.2e 6-11-4 <br />