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ATI-14-95 WED 12;08 PACJH0 SAN JOSE rix Nu. 4Ubg4ttojt5 <br /> . CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD <br /> CENTRAL VALLEY REGION <br /> ORDER NO. 94-705 <br /> CLEANUP AND ABATEMENT ORDER <br /> FOR <br /> SHELL OIL COMPANY <br /> STOCKTON 'I ERMINAL <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br /> The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Regional (hereafter <br /> Board) finds that: <br /> 1. Shell Oil Company (hereafter Discharger) owns and operates a bulk fuel terminal at <br /> 3515 Navy Drive on )tough and Ready Island in Stockton, San Joaquin County_ The <br /> facility is less than 200 feet south of the Stockton Deep Water Channel as shown on <br /> Figure 1. Figure 2 is a detailed site map. <br /> 2. Operations at the facility began in 1940. The facility has 10 aboveground tanks which <br /> store contact water, extraction water, and diesel and gasoline for distribution. <br /> • 3. The site is above the San Joaquin Valley Growid Water Basin. The beneficial uses of <br /> the ground water include domestic, municipal, industrial, and agricultural supply. <br /> 4. Facility operations have resulted in the discharge of petroleum hydrocarbons to the soil <br /> and ground water. 'There are 27 shallow and one deep ground water monitoring wells <br /> (MWs) at the site. Tluee of the shallow MWs were used as extraction wells until April <br /> 1993. Results of quarterly ground water monitoring for 1993 show that the highest <br /> concentrations of dissolved fuel constituents were as follows: total petroleum hydrocar- <br /> bons as diesel ('I'PHD) - 15,000 parts per billion (ppb); TPHG - 54,000 ppb; benzene - <br /> 5,600 ppb; toluene - 3,700 ppb; ethylbenzene - 790 pbb; and xylene - 6,900 ppb. <br /> 5. Benzene is a carcinogen with a maximum contaminant level foi- drinking water of 1.0 <br /> ppb established by the California Department of Health Services. <br /> 6. Since 1985, Shell has conducted off- and on-site investigations to define the extent of <br /> petroleum hydrocarbon contamination from its operations. The horizontal extent of <br /> txmtamination has been defined except south/southwest of the terminal which is United <br /> States Navy (USN) property. Shell alleges that the USN could have caused the petro- <br /> leum hydrocarbon contamination west of Hooper Drive on the USN property. In <br /> March 1994, Shell submitted a remedial action plan to remediate the off- and on-site <br /> contamination that Shell has admitted it caused. <br />