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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> The site is currently an active Valero gasoline service station located at 1001 E Yosemite Avenue <br /> in the city of Manteca (San Joaquin County), California The property was formerly a RINO <br /> service station, which included three 10,000-gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (UST) <br /> and two dispenser islands In 1999, new USTs and dispensers were installed Petroleum <br /> hydrocarbon impacts to soil and groundwater were identified, investigated and monitored between <br /> 1999 and the present <br /> The objective of this project was to define the lateral extent of impacted groundwater to the <br /> northwest and west of the site To achieve this objective, three additional groundwater table <br /> monitoring wells (MW-7, MW-8, and MW-9) were permitted, installed, developed and surveyed <br /> Groundwater in the new and existing wells was monitored, sampled and analyzed <br /> Consistent with previous investigations, the uppermost 30 feet of soil in the new well borings <br /> consists of a massive sandy soil sequence interbedded with intervals of clay, silt and fine sand <br /> mixtures Based on previous cone penetration test (CPT) borings, the soil between 30 and 150 <br /> feet consists of a massive sequence of clay and silt soils interrupted by discontinuous intervals of <br /> sand and gravel soils <br /> The static depth to the groundwater table, as measured in all nine monitoring wells, ranged from <br /> 18 73 feet below ground surface (bgs) in MW-6 to 20 62 feet bgs in MW-4 The resulting <br /> groundwater surface appears as an irregular plane dipping to the north-northeast at a gradient of <br /> approximately 0 0071 foot/foot <br /> The soil samples collected at 15, 20 and 25 feet from well borings MW-7, MW-8, and MW-9 did <br /> not contain detectable concentrations of gasoline compounds From the nine groundwater <br /> monitoring wells, only the sample collected from MW-2 contained detectable concentrations of <br /> gasoline compounds 0 6 µg11 of ethylbenzene, 1 3 µg11 of xylenes, and 1 4 µg/l of methyl tertiary <br /> butyl ether (MTBE) <br /> Results of this investigation confirmed that the direction of groundwater flow is toward the north- <br /> northeast, impacted soil and groundwater remains defined to the vicinity of the site, and <br /> concentrations of gasoline compounds have declined to below drinking water standards Based <br /> on these conclusions, Ramage Environmental recommends that the nine monitoring wells <br /> continue to be monitored and sampled for the two remaining quarters of 2005, after which, a <br /> request for closure will be submitted if residual gasoline compounds are not detected or remain <br /> below drinking water standards <br /> I4 <br /> 4 <br />