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Results of the soil sampling and analysis indicated that the sod beneath the former USTs and <br /> dispensers had not been impacted by significant concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons <br /> However, the soil sample collected from beneath the southwestern dispenser did contain 0 017 <br /> milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of methyl tertiary butyl ether(MTBE) In addition, at a depth of 8 <br /> ' feet beneath the western canopy support, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH)-as-gasoline was <br /> detected at 350 mg/kg and xylenes were detected at 1 2 mg/kg <br /> 12 2 C 3nopy Support Over-Excavation and Waste Management <br /> On April 1, 1999, under PHS/EHD observation, Fisch Environmental excavated approximately 100 <br /> cubic yards of soil from the vicinity of the former eastern canopy support structure and another <br /> 100 cubic yards from the vicinity of the former western canopy support structure Each of the <br /> excavations ultimately measured approximately 12 feet by 12 feet by 14 feet deep The <br /> excavated soil was stockpiled on asphalt pavement and plastic sheeting on the west side of the <br /> ' service station building <br /> Once the excavation limits had been reached, Ramage Environmental collected two soil samples <br /> from each of the excavations The two soil samples collected from the eastern excavation (E-E- <br /> 14 and E-W-13) were taken from a cemented clayey silt interval encountered at approximately 13 <br /> N to 14 feet below ground surface (bgs) One of the soil samples collected from the western <br /> excavation (W-C-13) was also taken from this cemented clayey silt The second soil sample <br /> collected from the western excavation (W-W-9) was taken from the overlying, loose, poorly- <br /> graded fine-medium sand Caving sands limited deeper excavation and soil sampling on the west <br /> side of the western excavation <br /> Results of the soil sampling and analysis indicated that the soil beneath the east side of the <br /> former eastern canopy support had been impacted by aged gasoline The soil sample E-E-14 <br /> ' contained 3,400 mg/kg of TPH-as-gasoline and 400 mg/kg of xylenes Benzene, toluene, <br /> ethylbenzene, oxygenates and total lead were not detected in this soil sample The three other <br /> M soil samples collected from the excavations did not contain detectable concentrations of TPH-as- <br /> gasoline, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) or oxygenates Total lead was <br /> detected in only one of the soil samples at a concentration of 5 1 mg/kg <br /> Following excavation and soil sampling, the excavations were backfilled with approximately 200 <br /> cubic yards of soil from the UST excavation stockpile Based on earlier, soil stockpile sample <br /> results, this soil was deemed suitable for on-site re-use as backfill material During backfilling, the <br /> equipment operator compacted the backfill material with the backhoe bucket <br /> • 6 <br />