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, <br /> 3.0 CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS AND PROJECT STATUS <br /> i <br /> Consistent with previous results, groundwater flow appears to be in a northeast direction at a <br /> gradient of 0 00435 foot/foot Since the wells were last monitored in September 2000, <br /> groundwater levels rose an average of 2 05 feet <br /> Relatively consistent with previous results, concentrations of TPH-as-gasoline and BTEX <br /> compounds are restricted to MW-2 near the dispenser islands, and MTBE is concentrated in MW- <br /> 4 downgradient of the USTs The plume of MTBE in groundwater appears to extend to the north <br /> and east of the site toward domestic water wells located on Raylow Avenue The plume appears <br /> to be mostly delineated to the south (upgradient) by MW-1 and to the west (cross-gradient) by <br /> MW-3 The vertical extent of impacted groundwater is not defined <br /> Based on these conclusions, Ramage Environmental recommends that a work plan be prepared, <br /> outlining the following course of environmental corrective action <br /> a <br /> ' 1 To attempt to define the extent of impacted groundwater, drill several additional CPT borings <br /> and collect additional discrete groundwater samples One of the additional CPT borings <br /> should be located near CPT-4 to investigate and discretely sample groundwater-bearing <br /> zones beneath 78 feet Other CPT borings should be located in the northern undeveloped <br /> part of the site and to the east of the site along Raylow Avenue <br /> 2 To confirm and monitor the concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons detected in deeper <br /> 1 groundwater-bearing strata, install a series of monitoring well clusters The deeper wells <br /> should also be considered for groundwater extraction and hydraulic control of the plume of <br /> impacted groundwater The cluster wells should be screened across discrete groundwater- <br /> bearing intervals of interest The upper groundwater-bearing zones should be cased to <br /> prevent leakage and cross-contamination The number of well clusters and the specific well <br /> construction should be based on the results of the additional CPT data <br /> 3 To further delineate the lateral extent of impacted groundwater at the groundwater table, <br /> install additional groundwater table monitoring wells in the northern undeveloped part of the <br /> site and to the east of the site along Raylow Avenue <br /> 4 Continue to monitor and sample groundwater from the existing monitoring wells and on-site <br /> domestic well on a quarterly basis The groundwater samples should be analyzed for TPH-as- <br /> r gasoline, BTEX, MTBE, DIPS, ETBE, TAME, TBA, and 1,2-DCA by EPA Method 8260E The <br /> next monitoring and sampling event is scheduled for March 2001 <br /> 5 Given the proximity of the on-site domestic well to the plume of impacted groundwater, this <br /> well should be abandoned and city water service should be connected to the site <br /> 7 <br />