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i <br /> EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> In accordance with Upgradicnt Environmental Consultants proposal 98006,which u<<s <br /> preapproved by the State UST Cleanup Fund on February 25, 1998, Upgradient <br /> performed the fourth and final quarterly monitoring event at the former Conrady Service <br /> Station in Stockton, California in December, 1998 This completes the scope of wor c <br /> authorized by the State UST Fund under this proposal number <br /> Monitoring took place on November 7 and December 7 Water depths and dissolved <br /> oxygen concentrations in the groundwater were measured Groundwater samples we r-- <br /> collected on December 7 The natural gradient is to the northeast, but the persistent <br /> trough in the gradient along the west side of the site was again evident The water to)le <br /> fell slightly from its depth of between 14 and 15 feet in September, but is still a few f eet <br /> higher than it was when Upgradient began monitoring the site in April <br /> In contrast to September, water from most of the wells had detectable concentration, of <br /> dissolved oxygen in November, although concentrations were low In December, <br /> however, only one of the wells exhibited detectable dissolved oxygen The monitoring <br /> equipment was in good working order, so it is now clear that oxygen is no longer be jig <br /> released into the groundwater from the Oxygen Release Compound injection bonng., It <br /> appears that the oxygen was depleted sometime during the second quarter, within the first <br /> five months after infection <br /> All ten water samples were analyzed for TPH-gasoline, BTEX, and gasoline oxygenates, <br /> as directed by EHD and approved by the UST Fund As in the previouw two quarter;, no <br /> oxygenates were detected, it is clear that oxygenates were not in general use prior to the <br /> 1980 removal of the USTs, and oxygenates are not a concern at this site <br /> Overall, there has been a general decrease in benzene concentrations in the impacted <br /> wells, and only MW-2 exceeded 100 ppb in December Perimeter wells, particularly <br /> MW-5, have shown an improvement since ORC infection, suggesting that the plume has <br /> shrunk in size and is less extensive than previously There is no indication of movem mt <br /> or migration of the plume downgradient Unfortunately, both the September and <br /> December samples indicate that gasoline and BTEX concentrations remain high in the <br /> core of the plume between MW-2 and SW-1 In fact, the gasoline concentration(124 000 <br /> ppb) in SW-1 in December was the highest concentration measured to date As this'Arell <br /> is screened from 32 to 30 feet and the perforations are approximately 15 feet below alae <br /> present water table, samples collected from this well probably yield lower concentrations <br /> than the maximums closer to the soil-water interface. <br /> i <br />