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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> In accordance with Upgradient Environmental Consultants proposal 96006, which was <br /> preapproved by the State UST Cleanup Fund on February 25, 1998, Upgradient <br /> performed site remediation activities at the former Conrady Service Station in Stockton, <br /> California in April and May, 1998 Prior to initiation of field work, Upgradient submitted a <br /> work plan detailing the proposed corrective action to San Joaquin County Environmental <br /> • Health and received verbal approval and a drilling permit on April 7 <br /> On April 24, a direct-push Geoprobe drilling rig was used to drill seven soil borings to <br /> depths of 20, 30, or 35 feet, for a total of 210 feet The borings were located within the <br /> 100 parts-per-billion isocontour of benzene as mapped by the previous consultant, and <br /> were spaced at distances of 4 to 8 feet apart A slurry of Oxygen Releasing Compound <br /> (ORC) was infected under pressure into a 10-foot interval of each boring to facilitate the <br /> breakdown of gasoline hydrocarbons by increasing the concentration of oxygen dissolved <br /> in the groundwater Oxygen is normally a limiting factor in the breakdown of <br /> hydrocarbons but is a necessary component of the destruction process A total of 500 <br /> • pounds of dry ORC (approximately 270 gallons of slurry) was injected, as approved by the <br /> UST Fund <br /> Site monitoring took place on April 24 and May 8 The site was remapped on April 24 to <br /> correct errors in the location of some of the wells on the existing maps, and all 10 wells <br /> were surveyed (including four wells that had not been previously surveyed) on May 8 <br /> Water depths and dissolved oxygen concentrations in the groundwater were measured on <br /> both days, and groundwater samples were collected on April 24 Water was present in all <br /> wells, and gradient maps were prepared for both days The natural gradient is to the <br /> northeast, but asphalt pavement in Yosemite Street to the west of the site appears to alter <br /> • the gradient along the property boundary by limiting downard infiltration of surface water <br /> and lowering the water table beneath the street <br /> Dissolved oxygen concentrations were generally low and decreased during purging as <br /> i <br /> fresh, undegraded groundwater entered the wells when the standing water was purged No <br /> correlation between well location and DO concentration was evident, but after ORC <br /> injection a signficant increase in DO concentration was observed in one well that is located <br /> within 3 feet of an injection boring <br /> Water samples were analyzed for TPH-gasoline, BTEX, and gasoline oxygenates, as <br /> • directed by EHD and approved by the UST Fund No oxygenates were detected, but <br /> gasoline was detected in all but one sample and at least one BTEX compound was <br /> detected in every sample TPH-g concentrations ranged from 860 ppb to 37,000 ppb, and <br /> benzene concentrations ranged from 0 824 to 379 ppb <br /> • <br />