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Andrea Hurford <br /> San Joaquin County Onsite Wast Senior Manager a to be installed on undisturbed soil <br /> Standards Environmental ovation or on properly installed reinforced <br /> Section 7—Alternative Treatment Constellation Health&Safety ner as to prevent listing or settling,which <br /> Systems Brands <br /> 7.1 Alternative treatment system required whenever any commercial food <br /> additional enhancements above the rE plant or any activity, which produces a <br /> treatment capabilities of the system. Fi Constellation Brands, Inc. normal grease content found in domestic <br /> capacity,additional length of leach line, Woodbridge Winery D: 209.365.8051 be required if it is determined from the <br /> p ty, g 5950 E.Woodbridge Road M: 209.269.0192 Iffluent that elevated grease levels prevail. <br /> under the leach line. Engineered Sy Acampo,California 95220 <br /> uniquely designed for a specific locatior istalled in front of the wet well(head works) <br /> Engineer based on site specific information.Where engineered systems to affectively screen out floating and suspended grease produced by <br /> are required,complete design plans shall be submitted by a Registered commercial food operations.The grease receptor must be of sufficient size to <br /> Civil Engineer to the Director of Environmental Health for initial approval retain the grease-laden sewage for a period suitable to remove the grease. <br /> prior to beginning construction.The plans shall include the following: <br /> 7.12 Regular monitoring by a certified sewage plant operator is required. <br /> 7.1.1 A complete scaled plot plan of the area showing wells,structures, Analysis required may include Biochemical Oxygen Demands, Dissolved <br /> sanitary sewerage lines,water lines and total proposed land use. Oxygen and settable solids of plant influents and effluents and at such other <br /> 7.1.2 Total capacity of the system in gallons and organic load. Design points on stream as may be necessary.Average daily flows and peak flows <br /> criteria shall include a reserve capacity to accommodate a surge flow or after plant is in operation are to be determined by a reliable method.Copies <br /> increase in the average daily flow, of these analyses and operational records shall be furnished to the Director <br /> of Environmental Health and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality <br /> 7.1.3 Calculations showing ability of effluent to meet discharge Control Board. <br /> standards as set by the Environmental Health Department. <br /> 7.13 An auxiliary electrical power supply shall be available for the <br /> 7.1.4 The source of data and the data calculated to the existing system continued operation of the system. Portable power supply may be used if <br /> or any future expansion shall be shown on the plans. made available within a reasonable period of time in the event of a failure. <br /> 7.1.5 The percolation rates of leach fields or seepage pits shall be California Health and Safety Code,Section 5411 <br /> calculated and figures shown on the plans. An expansion area equal in <br /> size to the original dispersal field shall be so designated on the plan to be No person shall discharge sewage,or other waste,or the effluent of treated <br /> utilized in the event of failure of the original dispersal field. sewage or other waste, in any manner which will result in contamination, <br /> 7.2 When any existing system is altered, all of the above pollution,or a nuisance. <br /> specifications are to be resubmitted for approval by the Director of San Joaquin County Ordinance Code,Title 9,Section 9-1110.9 <br /> Environmental Health. It shall be unlawful to maintain or use any residence, place of business, or <br /> 7.3 Mechanical and electrical equipment shall be of such durable other building or place where persons reside, congregate, or are employed <br /> hardware,workmanship and installation as to insure against operational which is not provided with a means for the disposal of wastewater which <br /> failure with normal maintenance. complies with the requirements of this Chapter and the standards relating to <br /> wastewater disposal made and established by the Director of the <br /> 7.4 All installations shall be adequately protected against acts of Environmental Health Division. <br /> vandalism or sabotage,which could result in a malfunction of the system. <br /> For package treatment plants, the entire system shall be fenced and a San Joaquin County Ordinance Code,Title 9,Section 9-1125.4 <br /> locked gate provided to protect against any unauthorized person gaining It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any treated or untreated <br /> entrance into the area,which could lead to injury or loss of life. wastes that may be detrimental to the surface or ground waters of the County. <br /> 7.5 A certified operator licensed pursuant to the California Water Code, Wastewater discharges shall meet the discharge standards set by the State <br /> Division 7, Chapter 9, with skill to cause the package treatment plant to Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and the requirements <br /> be operated as designed,shall be available to operate the plant. contained in this Chapter. <br /> 7.6 All work or works shall be done under applicable required permits San Joaquin County Ordinance Code,Title 8,Section 8-5100 <br /> and inspection by the required regulatory agency. It is a violation of this division for any property owner to permit or maintain a <br /> 7.7 The installation and operation of alternative treatment or nuisance on his property. <br /> engineered systems shall not create a public nuisance in regard to odor <br /> nor cause a potential or immediate safety or health hazard to the public. <br /> The discharge of effluent shall not cause contamination of the water <br /> bearing strata or surface watercourses. <br /> 7.8 Final disposition of sewage effluent shall be in constant <br /> compliance with the discharge requirements as set by the Central Valley <br /> Regional Water Quality Control Board or the Environmental Health <br /> Department. Any deviation from these discharge requirements is a <br /> violation of Chapters 9-1110 and 9-1125 of the San Joaquin County <br /> Development Title and shall be declared a public nuisance. <br />